Minnesota Babies

XP: GTG Reminder

PM me today with your email address to get the Evite for the first Knot/Nest/Bump GTG this Saturday in Eden Prairie.  Should be a fun time - Wii, Knottie/Nestie/Bumpie trivia, and hosted horsd and wine!!

If you've gotten the Evite, remember to send me your real name so you can get in at the gate - I guess Bearpath is pretty strict about security there.  I need to send all the names to them tomorrow, so email me by EOD today por favor. 

Also remember to send in your trivia question (with screenname, please!), and bring your Mii if you want! 

Can't wait to meet everyone - see you on Saturday.

Our big girl, Cora, and our sneaky kitty, Roxy

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Re: XP: GTG Reminder

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    sounds so much fun!!!!   with a 1.5 week old i'm crushed to miss it, but maybe another time.   either way someone drink some wine for this new momma!!!! :)
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