Baby Showers

Shower for friend: PsIP

I'm getting so anxious and excited to do my friend's shower. It's my first to throw, and I feel I have the greatest house to host it in. Our home was built in 1915 complete with the original hard wood floors.

But I wanted to share pictures of my idea for her table set up, but I can't do it with her because I don't want to ruin the surprise factor for her! 

 I wanted to go simple and clean on the colors and the decor. She wants more of a relaxed, social type shower instead of one filled with lots of games.

The diaper cake:


The table set up:


The invite:


I love brown and green together!!!


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Re: Shower for friend: PsIP

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    Your invites are so cute!
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    Thank you! I kept sending my friend ideas for different things because I don't want her to be uncomfortable. Some women like frilly things and others don't!
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    I think it looks great!
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    I would like to invite you and others to look at my online store.  It has many Kate Aspen baby shower favors and gifts.  My website is the following:

    I hope you enjoy the products that we offer.  Please take a minute a review the website and let me know what you think.

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    I'm sure she will love it.  The diaper cake and invites are really cute and I like your color combo.  I think it is easier to "please" a frilly person with something more subduded than to please a conservative person with a bunch of frills.  kwim?
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    Great color combo.  And if you're using white plates/platters, I love how it'll pop from the brown on top of the white tablecloth.
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