South Florida Babies

Do you count down to your child/toddler?

I have been using the counting down thing when I need Sophie to move fast. I pair it with my stern voice. This morning I was in the hallway and trying to get her to come and get dressed but could hear her still in my room messing around with my nightstand.
She had already gotten in trouble for messing with Abel's nightstand this morning and got Dora turned off so there I am in the hallway and I tell her, "Sophie you better get over here right now!" Total silence comes from my room and then her little voice, "I coming," but no Sophie.
Then I say, "I am going to count! One.....two....." I hear a little banging and then she says, "I am coming fast now, I am running! Don't count!" and there comes my two year old running out of the room towards me. LOL. She grabs my hand and says, "See? I here. I ready to get dressed."
LMAO. She gets it!
However, yesterday she said to me, "Mommy. Don't say no! Don't say not nice! No time out for Sophie. Pow pow to Mommy."
Lord. LOL.
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Re: Do you count down to your child/toddler?

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    SO funny you mention this today, I just did it for the first time last night!

    After her bath, I have a hard time getting alexis to stop jumping around naked and cooperate so I can put her pamper on and get her dressed for bed.  So last night I told her, "mommy is going to count to 3 and if you don't come here by the time I count to 3 then I'm going to go get you and bring you."  She doesn't quite understand the whole concept yet b/c it was the first time so I got to 3 (she counted with me) and then I got her and she got angry but i think if I follow through and keep doing it eventually she'll get it.  i hope.  

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    mady's least favorite is when i get down to her eye level and talk to her while looking in her eyes. she hates it...she puts on her puppy face and pretends to cry and usually plants a kiss on me so i can stop reprimanding her.

    yesterday i had to make a pit stop at the mall with her - biggest mistake of my life. i was mortified beyond belief. i had to call cesar to come pick her up so i can finish up, when he got there i was crying from how embarrassed i was from her behavior. she usually doesnt act that way, i think it was the big crowds and the fact she was already tired. i felt like everyone at the mall was staring at me (and they probably were) from all her tantrums and screams she was giving me. mortified doesnt even cut how i really felt yesterday, i took it out on a poor saleswoman at charlotte russe...friggin lady asked me 3 times if i needed help at the 3rd time i told her to leave me alone if i needed help i would ask for it, all the while mady was screaming and crying to get out of the stroller. the lady just walked away from us.

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    I've tried that but get no reaction. Boys are definitely a lot slower to adapt,
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    yesterday i had to make a pit stop at the mall with her - biggest mistake of my life. i was mortified beyond belief. i had to call cesar to come pick her up so i can finish up, when he got there i was crying from how embarrassed i was from her behavior. she usually doesnt act that way, i think it was the big crowds and the fact she was already tired. i felt like everyone at the mall was staring at me (and they probably were) from all her tantrums and screams she was giving me. mortified doesnt even cut how i really felt yesterday, i took it out on a poor saleswoman at charlotte russe...friggin lady asked me 3 times if i needed help at the 3rd time i told her to leave me alone if i needed help i would ask for it, all the while mady was screaming and crying to get out of the stroller. the lady just walked away from us.

    Evelyn, I've been there.  I read this and could literally feel how you felt.  Scenes like that are horrible.

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    yesterday i had to make a pit stop at the mall with her - biggest mistake of my life. i was mortified beyond belief. i had to call cesar to come pick her up so i can finish up, when he got there i was crying from how embarrassed i was from her behavior. she usually doesnt act that way, i think it was the big crowds and the fact she was already tired. i felt like everyone at the mall was staring at me (and they probably were) from all her tantrums and screams she was giving me. mortified doesnt even cut how i really felt yesterday, i took it out on a poor saleswoman at charlotte russe...friggin lady asked me 3 times if i needed help at the 3rd time i told her to leave me alone if i needed help i would ask for it, all the while mady was screaming and crying to get out of the stroller. the lady just walked away from us.

    Evelyn, I've been there.  I read this

    and could literally feel how you felt.  Scenes like that are horrible.

    Meeee too...I think we've probably all experienced this.  And sometimes, I actually DO cry! 

    But yes - the counting doesn't work on Eli...he just tells me, "Calm down mommy"  or says, "Okay mommy!"  arrrrghh!  And Chelsea - all I have to say is "uh-oh" and she tears up, runs to hug me so I can stop reprimanding her (usually works, I'm a sucka). 

    Mel - thanks for sharing your story - Sophie is soo smart and talking soo much!  I'm glad the technique works on her...not so much in my house :0(


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    Great! More things to look forward to!

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    LOL that is tooo cute!! I haven't tried that with Evan yet since he just ignores everything I tell him. hahaha But will be trying that to get him a little training! ;)
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