South Florida Babies

Kids are amazing *tear jerker alert*

Most of you know about Ava. Its hard to believe that its been 8 months since we lost her. She would have been 5 months old this month. We are missing her badly this holiday season. Its not been easy but we are doing well. My sister and BIL bought a special ornament for their tree for their angel so that she is remembered. My BIL's father goes to the cemetary once a week to have lunch with her and make sure her grave is tended. She is constantly in my thoughts and in my heart. Its amazing that I can love and miss a baby who was born into heaven as much as I love and miss that little girl.

Anyway. Sorry. I got an email from my best friend today about something her kids said to her. Logan is 3. Layla is 5. I hope this touches your hear like it did mine. For some reason I had to share with this with you guys.

"A sweet little thing Logan and layla said today. I was going through all the things we are doing in the next few days and I said we are going to Tia mels on Thursday and I named all the people that would be there. I said Sophia, tia mel, Tia Alisha and logan yelled "and Ava too". I didn't even know  he really understood. Layla then said no she won't be where u can see her. She's an angel in heaven.

It made me cry-- so sweet an innocent. But her memory is alive and my kids will remember her."

Hug your babies tight. I know I do whenever Ava crosses my mind and Sophie is near.

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Re: Kids are amazing *tear jerker alert*

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    wow - i dont know if i should have read this b/c my eyes are watery now.

    kids are amazing and little things like that prove it.

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    *tear* So sweet.  What a difficult thing for children to understand and she deserves a big hug and kiss for how sweet she is. 
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    Hugs for your whole family this Christmas!
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    Aayyy, I'm all teary-eyed as well!  I thank the Lord every day for all my blessings -- can't wait to see my little ones now. 
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    What sweet little kids! It's incredible how they are able to just say the most amazing things that just warm your heart. What a beautiful story. Sending you and your family warm holiday wishes filled with peace and comfort.

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    That's beautiful. In the hormonal state i'm in I've been crying for the past few minutes thinking about it. Thank you for sharing this.
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    Aww mel - they have always been smart kids, but that is amazing.  So sweet.

    Thanks for sharing.

    I've been thinking about you and Alisha and Victor a lot lately and about how hard christmas is going to be without Ava.  {{hugs}} 

    image image

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    Awww, that is so sweet and beautiful. I'm so sorry for your sister's loss. :*( Children have a way of reminding us in the purest ways of how things really are. :)
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    I'm teary eyed myself! hugs to you and your family this season!
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    Kids are just amazing.  I tried to prepare myself with your warning, but still teary.  Hugs to your family.
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    I'm all emotional as well! Such sweet words and so true!! Big hugs!!
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