South Florida Babies

Washing baby clothes...

I was so proud of myself for having organized all of DD's clothes, but now I tell my mom and she's like "Did you wash everything?" DOH!

Did you guys wash everything before your LO wore it? Or is this my mom just being a crazy Cuban mom?

And while we are on the it necessary to always use Dreft or other baby safe detergent, or is this more if the baby has an allergy?

Thank you!

Re: Washing baby clothes...

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    I washed all of the NB and 0-3 month clothes before he wore them, but after that I stopped.  It just didn't seem necessary and clothes look so much nicer when they are brand new, especially if you are going to be taking pictures.

    Also, I started off using All Baby just for DS's clothes since it was too expensive to use for everything, but once I saw that he had no allergic reaction to our detergent after he touched our clothes and sheets, I just went back to my usual detergent for all of us.  This time around I am just sticking with my usual detergent.

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    I did wash everything, and actually still do.  Spencer's skin is so sensitive that I don't want to take any chances.  We started off using a 'baby' detergent for Spencer, but when I noticed that he was lying on our sheets and our clothing without any issues, we all now use ALL Free and Clear. 

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    I still wash everything before she wears it - but then again I do that with my clothing too.  I started off using Dreft but I won't with my next one - we now just wash her clothing with our regular detergent. 
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    I washed up to 3mo clothes but after a while I stopped washing things before he wore them. I don't wash my own clothes first either. I started using Dreft but now we all use the same regular detergent.
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    i washed everything through 6 months before wear.  I used All Baby at first but then realized that there wasn't much difference between that and the All Free & Clear that I use for us.
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    I washed all my sons clothes, and boy he had a lot!  I use dreft and he is 7 months old right now.  I might start using our regular detergent soon.  I don't think there is a  problem using a regular detergent, you just might want to use one that is skin sensitive, or a gentle one that is hypoallergenic.  test it out in one of her clothing to see if she maybe allergic.  If she is not go for regular detergent.  We use the Eco detergent from Costco.  I like it!

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    Thanks for all the advice. I'm worried that the clothes is going to get all ugly once I wash it so I'll probably do this first round of washing by hand and hang dry everything. Her clothes is so tiny that it probably won't take me long, but hopefully I can get it all done during this winter break from work!

    Thanks again!


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