South Florida Babies

Miami Children's Museum?

Have any of you ever been there? Is it worth going to? I was thinking of either bringing Jake there or to the museum of Discovery of Science on Saturday

Re: Miami Children's Museum?

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    def. take him there instead of the science museum!!! its sooo worth it - we have taken mady twice and she loves it! the first time she went she was 5 mths old - they have a room set up for babies to play and discover too!
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    Double check, but I believe every third Friday it is free! They have face painters, story tellers, etc. Its a great place- so visual!!


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    I haven't been to either with Lynda - sounds like a great idea.
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    Definitely there over the museum of science! It's a lot of fun for kids (and adults lol).
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    We were "regulars" there for a long time - every third Friday is free.  Eli loves this place. I haven't been to the Science Museum but would love to check it out.  I think - its free on certain Saturdays for Bank of America customers...not 100% sure though. 
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