If you're all about letting your kid express themselves, would you let your little girl (or heck, your little boy) wear a belly shirt?
I'm still in the "hells no" camp. My kid(s) will have loads to talk with their therapist about when they're older.
Momma to three boys:
Henry - 4yo
Alex - 18mo
Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy)
He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever.
m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
Re: s/o: kid's self expression - Belly shirts for girls?
I'm all about letting my kids express themselves- as long as it is age appropriate. I don't feel that a mohawk is age appropriate for a 6 year old. Robbie expresses himself- he wears a lot of Elmo. The kid is really in to Elmo
If I had a girl I wouldn't freak about a tiny little bit of midriff showing when she lifted her arms up, but IMO a belly shirt is never going to be appropriate.
Nope. Also no pants that hang off the butt. I'd let my boy wear a mohawk before I let him have sagass.
I actually agree.
What messages do they send out? I think a mohawk sends out an "I'm punk rock" message. I don't think a 6 year old can truly be "punk rock".
OMG I hate this too. Do they make adjustable-waist pants for teenage boys? LOL
I guess I more mean the belly shirt. To a kid it is innocent, but it isnt to the adults looking at it. I actually thing the mohawks are cute....to me that is more of a style, not a message. Not sure if I am explaining it correctly.
Is this a serious question?
A mohawk says "I like stupid haircuts," a belly shirt says "My parents are morons and I'm headed toward teenage pregnancy."
Only semi serious. I was trying to waste time until DS got up from his nap.
And all belly shirts should be printed with your above statement.
I like how people jump from mohawks as an outlet for boys self expression to belly exposure as girls' outlet.
No. My equivalent to "mohawks" for boys, is a mohawk for my girl.
Hair. Hair.
I find belly shirts equally dislikeable on men and women.
Coloring your hair and dressing like a hoe are not in the same category for me.
So no, she will not wear clothes that make her look older, sexy, like a stripper while she is in my house.
Will she get to highlight her hair? Hell yea.
I would rather her let me do her hair color with pro color instead of buying a box of hair color from the store and using that ammonia filled mess on her hair at her friends house while I wasn't around.
Ah but the difference is belly shirts are sexualizing a child at a young age, a mohawk is just a haircut.
nope. my kid can pick out what she wants to wear, but it has to cover everything. i'm not talking ankle length jean skirts here, just you know, no butt cheek or boobs hanging out. she can do whatever to her hair and have her ears pierced when she asks.
um, no
but I am a prude
you really put this more eloquently than i did. i retract my post and agree with judah!
And I wasn't making the comparison b/t the mohawk and a belly shirt. They are not the same.
I was just making an overall comment on people getting all up in arms about stifling their 6yo kid's freedom of expression.
I wanted to wear a pink bikini and a tutu to school when I was 6 (true story). My mom said no. The end.
LOL me too.
lol - I love this
we are trying to keep them from the harolt tramps the rest of you are raising
*note to everyone else who can't read humor, this is a joke
No belly shirts here. But it wouldn't be a "my house, mu rules, end of discussion" thing. The minute my DD asks for a belly shirt she's going to get a big talk about why she feels the need to present herself in a sexualized manner . . . among other lectures/discussions that I can already hear myself beginning to spout off about.
I would, however, allow her to get a mohawk as long as it didn't get her kicked out of school. I agree with Totty, though, in that I'm not paying for her to color her hair. When she is old enough to have a job and chooses to spend money on hair color - fine. Until then you get what my and your father's genes have provided for you.
I guess I fall into the prude category....in the case of Mohawk or no Mohawk...I say NADA....sorry - color or no color - at that age - you need age appropriate hair...braids, pony tail, etc. no mohawks...now when you are 16 and got a job to pay for your mohawk then we can talk...
As far as clothing...I could care less if she wants to wear a feather boa with some boots, and a jumper over a striped shirt...or what have you...but you will have restrictions when it comes to dressing for school, church, or some sort of organized event of other. But if we are just running around...or what have you - this is not a battle I will fight...
Now when she is 16 and decides she wants to express herself via her hair and clothes...again there are limitations....
1. Can you hold down your JOB - because she will have to work to pay for these self expression - with your mohawk...if not - then so sorry its not going to happen...
2. If I can see your stomach, butt, breast, or any other skin part - then nope - sorry its not going to happen...
3. Someone else mention this and I so totally agree...if there is writing across your a$$ you better be lounging around the house...but in no way are you leaving the house with that on...oh and lets not forget that I dont want to see your bra straps, but crack, or boxers underneath your clothes...there is a reason they are called UNDER CLOTHES....
Oh and I know someone is going to say - if they work they can buy their own clothes and you are correct...but there is nothing in the rule book that says I have to let them leave my house wearing such clothes. I tell my step daughter all the time...you can buy it - but you wont wear it....and if you think you are old enough to wear a skirt up to "there" out of my house...you can keep on walking....
These are the rules - they are not negotiable...and you know what - my girls are fine with it. No harm no foul...everyone is happy....
apples and oranges
Holy crap. Jinx.
I JUST posted this exact thought in the trainwreck below, lol.