Postpartum Depression

WWYD: History of Depression

I haven't even delivered yet, so I'm not currently suffering from PPD, but I have a very long history of depression and anxiety. ?My original OB recommended that I discontinue my anti-depressant when I told him I was TTC (I was on Prozac), which made me think it was dangerous for babies. ?

Since then, I have switched to a different OB. ?I have had some mild issues throughout my pregnancy, partially from hormones and partially from getting laid off right when I got my BFP and deciding to be a SAHM. ?

My new OB said if I want, she will prescribe me a low dose of Zoloft and that I should start taking it before I deliver. ?She also said it was safe to take if I plan to BF. ?

Would you start taking anti-depressants before "just in case"? ?I'm a little torn. ?I feel a little guilty because it's kind of like putting my LO on anti-depressants, too.?

No flames, please. ?Just asking for some friendly opinions. ??

Re: WWYD: History of Depression

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    I don't know about taking a daily antidepressant before delivering, but I was told you can take Xanax in low dosage every so often if you're having some really bad days. I have never taken Prozac, but I was on Paxil which made me feel like a zombie....years before I got pg though. My doc put me on 100 mg Zoloft after I had Ben and I am still taking it b/c of my previous anxiety issues, as well as panic/anxiety issues with my mom and grandma. I will say that Zoloft is awesome! After a few weeks of taking it, I felt normal again and not like I was in a trance or was taking anything. I am now on 50mg and just feel like I can handle things better than before. Good luck to you!!
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    I too have a long history of anxiety/depression. I had gone off meds bc I was pregnant and ended up back on them in the middle of my 2nd trimester because I was having symptoms. It was a hard decision, but ultimately I wanted to be recovered by the time I gave birth & try to head off PPD. I am so glad I did.I have had no PPD and have been able to really enjoy being a mom. I know that if my anxiety wasn't in check I'd be a mess irrationally worrying about him and if I was depressed, I'd be crying nonstop & really irritable. It was the right decision for me.

    You could start meds the day you deliver, since you've made it this far & aren't really having major symptoms. I've had some friends who have done this.

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    Thank you both for taking the time to respond! ?I had an appointment today and she wrote me a prescription for 25mg of Zoloft. ?Since it's a low dose, she assured me that it would not affect my baby or put him in any danger. ?She made me feel much better about the situation and removed any guilt I was feeling. We decided together that I should start taking them in about 2 weeks, when I get to 38 weeks. ?
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    that sounds like a good idea.  those first few weeks are tough- I wish I had done what you are doing!
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