Postpartum Depression

re: meds..

if you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your lo.

that's what got me to take mine.

Re: re: meds..

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    I would love to take the medication that I have for PPD but they made me so stupidly out of it that I couldn't function. I had worse depression on them then off of them. Because they depended on me getting sleep and with a newborn, I know you know, we don't get much of it till they are older. In the hospital I was given a full dose of the first medication and I felt so helpless because I was in a daze for hours and I didn't feel like I could do anything for my LO when she cried or if she needed anything when we were at the hospital. I was also getting paranoid that I wasn't feeding my DD enough (I EBF) and I went to the LC almost every week for a while. The second medication was safe but had to sleep for 5 hrs before BFing for the effects to be down enough for my LO metabolizing them.

    Not saying taking meds is the right or wrong answer but in my case I made the choice to stop taking my meds and every one has the choice to deal with in order to feel like they are functioning in this society. I strongly state that if you chose meds do it for your happiness and your LO's happiness, but I feel its not worth the effort if mommy can't function. I go to counseling and that helps me get through the time before I can take the medication that has helped me before DD.

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    If your meds aren't working, or are giving you bad side effects, ask your doc for a different one, or for alternative treatments.
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    I would love to take the medication that I have for PPD but they made me so stupidly out of it that I couldn't function. I had worse depression on them then off of them. Because they depended on me getting sleep and with a newborn, I know you know, we don't get much of it till they are older. In the hospital I was given a full dose of the first medication and I felt so helpless because I was in a daze for hours and I didn't feel like I could do anything for my LO when she cried or if she needed anything when we were at the hospital. I was also getting paranoid that I wasn't feeding my DD enough (I EBF) and I went to the LC almost every week for a while. The second medication was safe but had to sleep for 5 hrs before BFing for the effects to be down enough for my LO metabolizing them.

    Not saying taking meds is the right or wrong answer but in my case I made the choice to stop taking my meds and every one has the choice to deal with in order to feel like they are functioning in this society. I strongly state that if you chose meds do it for your happiness and your LO's happiness, but I feel its not worth the effort if mommy can't function. I go to counseling and that helps me get through the time before I can take the medication that has helped me before DD.

    if you had to wait to BF after taking the meds then no they're really not safe for BF and shouldn't have been rx'ed to you.

    and if you're having weird side effects from the meds then it's not the right med for you

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