Postpartum Depression

Frusterated with a 3 week old ....

Which sucks cause I know he can't help it.

I just yelled ... well not yelled, but got really frusterated with my son just now because he was too excited to have his bottle that he was continuously rooting around for the nipple even though it was in his mouth. He was crying and getting upset becuase he wanted his bottle so bad but just wasn't clamping down.

I had to give him to my husband after he ran into the room after hearing me cry out "oh for fvcks sake, child!" NOw I'm in front of my computer crying about what a terrible mother I am that I can't even (and don't want to) feed my child.

I had to stop breastfeeding because I was starting to feel too "tied down" so now I pump. Now I'm getting frusterated bottle feeding him and will happily pass him off to anyone who wants him. I swear, when DH comes home from work, it's like I toss the baby to him and try and disappear.

Why does TV always make this seem so much easier than it really is?

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Re: Frusterated with a 3 week old ....

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    It really is much harder than everyone/thing portrays. I've been where you are at too and I passed him over to my DH also and had to take some time alone and also felt like great I can't even feed my kid, I can't even change him, ughhhh I suck at being a mommy! This is when my DH started rallying and telling me all the time that I'm a wonderful mother and this was also when I finally caved and called my doctor to get some medication. And each day is getting a little bit better now since.
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    Don't feel so bad .... I have been there too .... as I'm sure A LOT of moms have.  I have screamed and cried and they have just LOOKED at me .... I felt horrible letting them see that side of me ...


    LO is fussing with the bottle? My DD did this with bottles the first few weeks ... with BM and Formula ... we later learned she had reflux. 

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    Don't beat yourself up!! I was super frustrated with BF that I stopped completely and switched to formula. You are not a terrible mother whatsoever and it's normal to feel the way you do now. There were many times I didn't even feel like a mother, like I wanted to go back to my old life. But that passed after a few months and I gradually got the hang of being a mom...with the help of Zoloft, too. You definitely need to be able to pass the baby off once your DH comes home and I still do it now! Like my doc says, you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Hang in there and talk to your doc if you continue to feel like this.
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    It's ok to feel like that...and sadly I feel this way sometimes if not A LOT and try giving DS to DH right when he gets home almost everyday. I haven't gone to the dr for help but I completely understand how you feel. Just try to step back for a few mins and take some deep breaths and think lo is just a baby and can't help it...if you pull yourself out of the situation for a few mins it helps you re-group yourself to handle the can do it!!
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