Postpartum Depression

I want to make a blog post

On post partum education for those that don't have it or understand it. I've gotten a lot of insensitive  and downright mean comments since being diagnosed. I just think there is a lot of misinformation and ignorance out there for those who have never dealt with it. I just don't know where or how to start. What do you think? Anybody want to help me come up with ideas? What has been your biggest pet peeve when you tell someone or someone finds out about your PPD?
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12

Re: I want to make a blog post

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    I'll start. I think my biggest pet peeve is when someone says that I should just focus on the positive instead of being so negative. If it was that easy, I would have done it by now! I hate when people insinuate that I'm not happy for my daughter or love my daughter. I had one person tell me that I need to grow up and start taking care of my daughter instead of expecting everybody else around me to. I love my daughter  very much. If I didn't then I never would have gotten help. I also do a great job at taking care of my daughter but it is sometimes difficult when I can barely take care of myself.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NATALIE - 9/13/09 HANNAH - 6/8/12
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    My biggest pet peeve about PPD is everyone is sooo misinformed about it. When people hear PPD they think "Oh you want to hurt your baby or your self" when there are sooooo many other components to it. I have never had thoughts of harming my baby or hurting myself but I for sure have PPD. I wish the medical field and literature and info out there would emphasize the other aspects of PPD besides just the extreme sides...
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Broken boob FFing, babywearing, co-sleeping, PPD warrior,colic survivor, proud WAHM! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I would say a pet peeve would be when people just blow off the feelings to hormones. Like " u are just hormal" when it is more than that.
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    I totally agree with everyones posts.  I also HATE when people make comments like this one:

    Mom:  So your cousin said that you were REALLY REALLY happy when you were in the hospital and had just had the baby.

    Me:  Yea I am happy and sometimes I'm sad it comes and goes.  I love her with all my heart.

    Mom:  I told him it was because you were on pain medication after the C-section and any idiot can be happy then it will fade just like all good moods do. 

    Ummm owch?   

     Me:  Thanks for the pep talk

    Mom: I can't wait for you to stop being so hormonal.  

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    The thing that annoys me is that the media has made it seem like everyone who has PPD wants to harm their baby.  That's not the case at all.  I think that is why there is so much shame involved with a diagnosis for some women.
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