Postpartum Depression

When does it stop being "baby blues"?

I've had a long history of depression/anxiety since I was 12 (I'm now 21).  I still feel overwhelmed and I feel like I need to constantly be checking on DS.  I am so scared he will stop breathing and I won't be there to help him start breathing again.  I sleep horribly at night because of this too.  During the day I try to take naps when he does but it just doesn't work.  I feel like I need to do stuff because laundry, dishes need done. 

I want to cry most of the time, the littlest thing makes me swell up with tears.  I love my son so much and that makes me want to cry.  I have no urge to hurt him but I do get frustrated with him. I mean he's 5 weeks old and can't help anything.  But he constantly wants to be held and when you put him down most the time he cries and I get frustrated because I can't get anything done.  

 My boyfriend is back at work so I am alone most the evening by myself.  We also live with my mom and I feel bad giving him to other people.  I feel like a bad mom when I need to breath a minute.  My mom is dealing with her own stuff right now so it makes me feel bad if I have her watch him for a little bit.  

Most days I feel like I'm just going through the motions.  I feel so overwhelmed and am so scared something will happen to DS and I don't know how to make the anxiety go away.  I'm not happy like I feel like I should be.  You see all these people so happy to have their kids and I don't feel that overwhelming happiness I thought I would.  

I don't feel comfortable talking to my OB about this so I thought about going to my family doctor to talk to them.  But I'm not sure if this is just baby blues still and it will go away or if I do need help... 

Sorry this is so long, I didn't expect this to be a rant... 

Re: When does it stop being "baby blues"?

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    My Dr. told me the first 2 weeks is considered baby blues .... but other Dr.s may say different.


    I know exactly how ya feel. But form my personal experience ..... be careful of going to the OB for "meds" for PPD.  I would suggest your reg Dr. as they may steer you to someone who can find whats right for you .... meds, therapy etc.  My OB was so quick to rx me meds that the second day I was on them ..... I wanted NOTHING to do with my LOs ... I didn't want to hear/see them .... I didn't even care to feed them .... I told DH ASAP when I had these feelings (babies did eat and didn't starve, it took all my energy to do the normal things)  It's a very scary thing and our bodies are just returning to normal and we have this extra person in our lives who depend on us for every lil thing and we just don't have a sure way to communicate those needs ... I think that is what gets us all worked up

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