Morning sickness just hit me out of nowhere yesterday and I am having a tough time (I know, already!). It's a constant nausea but no vomiting (I had the same thing with DD but not as bad). Any recommendations? I am trying to stay hydrated with gatorade and water but it's hard to make myself eat - nothing sounds good at all.
Re: This has probably been asked a million times but
So the Bump posted without my tips, not too helpful, lol
Things that helped me:
1. Sour candies (sour patch kids, jolly ranchers, lemonheads)
2. Always having ice water, sometimes with lemon, on hand.
3. Dum-dum suckers- just having something to lick or keep the gross taste out of my mouth helped
4. If I wanted to eat something, even if it was fries dipped in honey mustard, I ate it. I wasnt overly concerned about the health aspect, it was more about getting food in my belly
5. Dont let your stomach get empty, that was the worst. I always tried to nibble on pretzels, wheat thins, etc
6. Keep a bag with you at all time, in case you do need to get sick. I actually felt comforted (and sometimes less sick) by knowing I had the bag in case I had to use it. And oftentimes, Id just give into getting sick instead of fighting it.
Hopefully your m/s just stays at the queasy feeling and doesn't progress. Hang in there!
I had horrible morning sickness, though I liked to call it all day sickness. I would eat first thing in the morning because if I had an empty stomach I would get sick. And I had saltines everywhere, in my car, my purse, my desk. And ginger ale. Just try to keep something in your stomach. And as quick as it came on, it should end as quick. Good luck!
I'm right there with you. In fact, I just posted a plea for some positive advice that it ENDS with the 1st Tri!! I hope your nausea doesn't progress to vomiting (as mine has). I start the second I'm upright (eating crackers just makes me throw up crackers) and I can usually keep down lunch, but the rest of the day just blows.
For me, iced peppermint tea is working wonders today. It seems that it's something different every day. I was able to keep down an Egg McMuffin this morning, so SCORE!!! I think b/c I was craving it, it mentally helped me keep it down.
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
for me eating before i even got out of bed helped. I kept saltines on my beside table. I also found eating cold things worked because they have less aromas. Gingerale, gingertea, ginger snaps all helped. I ate something small every hour and a half.
I don't know if they have this in the states (i live in Canada) by my doc gave me a script for diclectin. Finally at 11 weeks I couldn't deal anymore and that took it away in a snap. two little pills before you go to bed and the ms is gone! I am still taking it. She told me its a grade A rated drug (safe as drinking water).
Hope you feel better soon. Take care of you.
ps. Oh I also had to avoid grocery stores...something about them made me gag till i puked!
salty foods really helped (potato chips, fries, etc.) and protein-filled foods, like cheese. And I agree about not letting yourself get too hungry - I called that my "danger zone".
hope you feel better soon!
I agree with everyone's tips and it should be called all day/all night sickness not morning sickness. What worked for me
1.Sour lemon candies, the only way I could drive or ride in a car.
2. Eat as soon as you wake up, crackers in bed anything and keep snacks crackers within reach all day/ all night
3. I could tolerate some cereals, plain potatoes, and oddly, french fries sometimes. It changed what worked and what did not and I ate whatever seemed tolerable.
4. As others said do not let your tummy be empty, that makes you feel 100x worse.
5 I have felt better in the second trimester and most people do, so there is hope
Take care and congrats on the
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