1st Trimester

anyone else have family that wasnt excited about your pregnancy?

We told my husband's family that I am pregnant this weekend. They all kind of blankly stared at us...like they barely had anything good to say. You could tell the looks on their faces were "you've got to be kidding me" ...rude right? I understand being shocked but literally acting like your not happy for us at all seemed over the top. Luckily my side of the family is totally excited for us so that somewhat makes up for it. But it is really annoying. Both my husband and I are the youngest in our families so we are seen as the 'babies'. My DH is 23 and I am 21, his family wanted us to wait until we were in our late 20s to have a baby but I always knew I wanted to be a young mother, and the same goes for DH. Im just wondering, did anyone else have a 'not so excited' reaction to this big news?

Re: anyone else have family that wasnt excited about your pregnancy?

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    I had mixed reactions, but we're not married, so that explains a lot of people's reactions towards our news.  Still though, we're happy and excited, and we've been engaged for 7 months now, so I don't see what the big deal is.

    Bottom line is:  you're happy.  He's happy.  They can get over it. :-)

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    yes!! my half sister looked at me and said "oh, oh you're serious?" and then when i said yes, she said "oh, was it planned??" omg..... 

     i'm sorry that didn't react the way you had hoped.  i had some friends react that way too.  it totally sucks and feels like it takes the wind out of your sails.  just keep thinking about the love you have for your LO and your husband and the family you're creating! it'll be something to laugh about when they are oooh'ing and aaahh'ing over your gorgeous baby soon :o

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    I'm so sorry his family is not happy/supportive.

    I had a similar experience with a friend. When I told her I was PG she said, "how do you know"? with this weird look on her face. Back story is that she is 35, has been with the same jerk for 9 years and desperately wants to marry him and have kids, but he just puts her off everytime she discusses it. So while I understand she's not in the best place right now, and is probably a bit jealous, I was still pissed. It was a rude reaction.

    To helll with the haters Geeked as long as you and DH are happy...no worries. Everyone else will come around when they see the LO's smiling face!

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    I'm so sorry his family is not happy/supportive.

    I had a similar experience with a friend. When I told her I was PG she said, "how do you know"? with this weird look on her face. Back story is that she is 35, has been with the same jerk for 9 years and desperately wants to marry him and have kids, but he just puts her off everytime she discusses it. So while I understand she's not in the best place right now, and is probably a bit jealous, I was still pissed. It was a rude reaction.

    To helll with the haters Geeked as long as you and DH are happy...no worries. Everyone else will come around when they see the LO's smiling face!


    hahahaha "how can you tell?"  ummm well i missed a period, tested positive, am constantly sick, saw a Dr.  hahaha interesting reaction...

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    yeah, i'm on my 3rd and my IL's were like, oh another one?, and, oh jesus! so needless to say i'm sticking w/ my own family's reaction and going w/ it.
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    I'm sorry they reacted that way. :(
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    lol...yep...I think I beat you. Upon hearing that my DH and I were going to have a baby, my mother says, "You aren't going to keep it are you?" Uh yeah....we have been married a year, live in our own place, and both have jobs, is there a reason we shouldn't keep her? Don't listen to people's opinions...they will deal with it.
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    lol...yep...I think I beat you. Upon hearing that my DH and I were going to have a baby, my mother says, "You aren't going to keep it are you?" Uh yeah....we have been married a year, live in our own place, and both have jobs, is there a reason we shouldn't keep her? Don't listen to people's opinions...they will deal with it.

    why would she say that?!! what did you say in response?! omg i would have died!!

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    Yes! My husband's family seemed less than thrilled. Everyone was ecstatic about our 1st... 2 1/2 years later, we get pregnant with number 2 and nothing. Just, "Oh, how nice..." And we drove 4 hours to tell them! Ugh...
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    i can relate. my husband and i are young (both 23) and the reaction from his family was...like...kind of mute. they seemed more excited once they got their head around it, but at first it was kind of awkward. his sister didn't even mention it--like we never said anything!

     but, like others have said, you're happy, he's happy. my best friends conceived their first when they were 22 and they're doing great! so it can be done, and done well. 

    DD1 (b. 8/16/2010)
    DD2 (b. 9/04/2013)
    BFP 2/25/12, m/c @ 6w 3d || BFP 8/1/12, m.m/c @ 9w5d
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    DH will be 22 and I'll be 21 when the baby comes, and we got some mixed reactions when we told the family. My dad actually told us not to tell my grandma because she would cause a scene at Thanksgiving. But she is also the lady that told me that if we got married, we would get a divorce...

    Other than that, we didnt get any really BAD reactions, but some blank stares and "oh ok"s.

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    Yeah, my family was definitely less than supportive.  I got the shocked, mute reaction before my aunt tentatively gave me a hug, but then my grandma burst out, "And may I ask HOW?"   Ummm...  What do you MEAN, HOW?! 

    BF and I aren't married, and aren't even engaged.  Been together 2 1/2 years, but it's still totally frowned upon.


    I'm in a mood now, though, so I say, "Screw 'em."  :p

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    my IL's are so excited and crying falling over eachother to hug us, both with our first and this one. my parents on the other hand, told my mom ( via t-shirt DS wore that said "big Brother") and she gave me this pained look like i just told her my dog died. i asked her what her problem was and she said " now i have to worry about you again". i get it, im her only child but COME ON! its not about you, say something nice, then worry later!!

    she was the same with baby 1

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    My Mom asked when I was due and when I told her August she said "Oh great, so your going to ruin my summer vacation." UMM WHAT? Who said you had to be there! She knew we were trying for another one, so I figured she could have rehearsed her excitment or something. We haven't told H's side yet, but I think they"ll be very excited.
    ***DS 10/15/08 *** DD 08/03/10****
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    My mother in law BAWLEDCrying<this is an understatement. She apologized a day or two later & said she was excited/happy but just wanted us to "be ready" ive heard that for the past 4 yeras we've been together on the topic of children. wtf. We've been married 2 years, have a house, have 2 well paying jobs, own 2 cars, etc. Why wouldn't we be ready?
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    We told DH's family this weekend and his mother was happy, but his father didn't seem to care.  He speaks Polish, so maybe I lost something in translation, but I thought I heard him say that 3 kids are too many.  I never said anything to Dh, but I was hurt by it.
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    I'm so sorry you had such a negative reaction.  Like many others I can relate.  We told DH's parents and they were beyond excited- like screaming crying hysterics it was awesome.  That night we told my parents and they said "oh boy."  No hugs, no tears, no nothing.  This is their 1st grandchild.  They immediately went into asking if we figured out childcare yet.  I was very early when I told them (only 4 weeks) but couldn't keep it in, my mom actually said, so how do you know it's real?  Umm I peed on 4 sticks?  They also told me they were highly disappointed in us for wanting to find out the sex they thought they "raised me better than that." And my mom said if I do find out the sex she won't attend the baby shower because she doesn't want to know.  Nice.
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