Washington Babies

big day!

yesterday we had NO BOTTLES!!!!   I did pump so I could have one for overnight - for some reason that seems easier but I'm sure I'll get rid of that one soon too...

This week with my parents here and more help around, I just really tried a lot harder to BF more often and we even stopped (mostly) using the nipple shield. 

So phew.  I'm hoping he can keep this up.  I still think I have a little bit of a bad latch issue on the right side, so I need to keep working with him to get his mouth open wider, but we're getting close.   This will make such a difference in my world to not be pumping all day!

In other news, Cooper is 7 weeks old, and weighs almost NINE POUNDS now!  He's actually turning chunky!  I need to upload pictures later and I'll post more.


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