Health & Exercise

Healthy snack ideas...

I'm looking for some healthy (or semi-healthy) snack ideas that I can keep at my desk at work - things that don't need to be refrigerated.  I am hungry alot because it helps my nausea subside and I always fall back on the vending machine chips or something totally unhealthy.

So far, I've thought of granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, soup, bananas & apples.  Anybody have any other ideas for things easy to store at work to munch on in the afternoons?  Thanks!

Re: Healthy snack ideas...

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    I keep raisins in my desk at work for snacks and love them!
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    I was also going to say raisins - yum.


    I have also started snacking on dates....

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    Make your own snack mix with almonds, dried fruit, and if you need something sweet a few chocolate chips or M&Ms. I also like rice cakes with a little bit of peanut butter or spreadable low-fat cheese. If you have access to a fridge at work then stock up on some string cheese, carrots, snap peas, and fresh fruit.



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    Dried cereal is one of my favs.  (Corn Bran, Honey Comb, Shreddies and Cheerios are good for snacking)  If you are craving chocolate, buy Nesquick or Reese's least you are getting some added vitamins when you are snacking on a craving. 

     All Bran Bites

    Mandarin Oranges

    Cup a soup packages....replaced my morning coffee



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    my afteroon fave is sliced apples and a tablespoon (or two:)) of natural peanut butter...yummy:)

     i also usually pack two small lunches as i can be at work for 10 hours at a time...spacing out my lunches helps to keep most of the hunger at bay for a while:)

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    Almonds with dried cranberries, granola bars (new fave are the all-natural Lara Bars), 100 calorie snack packs, cereal, and trail mix.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Pretzels and Peanut Butter

    Frosted Mini Wheats are good dry too

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    There are a few things I like- graham crackers, apples with cream cheese fruit dip (its better for you than it sounds, and way better for you than caramel) banana and peanut butter sandwich on wheat, string cheese, yogurt (until baby decided that he/she doesnt like that), dry cereal as stated in PP, and carrot sticks. :)
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    Fruit to Go bars!
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