Cleveland Babies

measuring big

I am 32 weeks and measuring 36 weeks. Is anyone else measuring early and what's you OB saying? Mine just says we'll watch it and it's just the shape of my stomach. The baby weigh in the 75 percentile so it's on the bigger side but still looking for additional information.

Re: measuring big

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    im 24 weeks measuring at 27 weeks. Measuring "big" usually means that your centimeter measurement doesn't correlate with your weeks of pregnancy. It's not usually a big deal, generally anywhere from 3 cm below to 3 cm above your week is totally normal. Its also a judgement call-what one doctor calls 36cm another Dr could say was 33cm. Its more the trend thats important: if you measure a little big and continue to measure along the same lines thats more normal then if you have a big jump where you all the sudden measure 10 wks ahead. A "big measurement" of a couple extra cm usually just means: a bigger baby, or the shape of the mother's belly, I would not be worried, they will remeasure at your next visit!
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