TTC After a Loss


Get thee some vitex! I'm thinking I might get to 11DPO before AF shows (I'm trying not to get too hopeful) since I'm not really having many symptoms that she's nearby.

This cycle I did:

100mg B6
2 Vitex
3 pumps of Herbal Progesterone Cream (but only after I confirmed ovulation, so I started 4DPO)

 Good Luck, let me know what your OB says if you end up calling.


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Labor Buddy to Blowfish11

Re: *~*~babes12*~*~

  • thanks! 

    can you buy vitex at a pharmacy or grocery store?  or do you get vitex and progesterone at a health food store? 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • I had to go to the health food store for both the Vitex and the progesterone, unless perhaps you shop at a Whole Foods type supermarket, they might have it there.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
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  • i just looked it up on and they have some progesterone cream so i think i might buy some. 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • oh another question, so say you get pregnant do you just stop using it??? 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • imagebabes12:
    oh another question, so say you get pregnant do you just stop using it??? 

    I'm not sure. I would think that it would be ok to keep taking it, because a little extra progesterone can't hurt. Lots of ladies are on progesterone supps until 12weeks. I was going to ask Texas the next time she's on, but I think it's ok.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
  • imageShellShockedMama:

    oh another question, so say you get pregnant do you just stop using it??? 

    I'm not sure. I would think that it would be ok to keep taking it, because a little extra progesterone can't hurt. Lots of ladies are on progesterone supps until 12weeks. I was going to ask Texas the next time she's on, but I think it's ok.

    yah i wouldn't want to do something unintentionally if i stopped using it once i became pg. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • imagebabes12:

    oh another question, so say you get pregnant do you just stop using it??? 

    I'm not sure. I would think that it would be ok to keep taking it, because a little extra progesterone can't hurt. Lots of ladies are on progesterone supps until 12weeks. I was going to ask Texas the next time she's on, but I think it's ok.

    yah i wouldn't want to do something unintentionally if i stopped using it once i became pg. 

    I know this is "online information" but take a look at this website.

    but this user says progesterone cream is ok all the way up until 38weeks. *I haven't read the whole article yet*

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
  • interesting article.  i guess i should give my ob a call and see what they suggest before i start all this stuff.  i get too afraid.  lol 
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • i called my ob and i'm waiting to hear back from the nurse.  i'll tell you what they say when they call back.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • imagebabes12:
    i called my ob and i'm waiting to hear back from the nurse.  i'll tell you what they say when they call back.

    Cool, I hope they say "Everything allison(me) said is CORRECT, hand her a MD degree"


    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
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