Get thee some vitex! I'm thinking I might get to 11DPO before AF shows (I'm trying not to get too hopeful) since I'm not really having many symptoms that she's nearby.
This cycle I did:
100mg B6
2 Vitex
3 pumps of Herbal Progesterone Cream (but only after I confirmed ovulation, so I started 4DPO)
Good Luck, let me know what your OB says if you end up calling.
Re: *~*~babes12*~*~
can you buy vitex at a pharmacy or grocery store? or do you get vitex and progesterone at a health food store?
I had to go to the health food store for both the Vitex and the progesterone, unless perhaps you shop at a Whole Foods type supermarket, they might have it there.
Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
I'm not sure. I would think that it would be ok to keep taking it, because a little extra progesterone can't hurt. Lots of ladies are on progesterone supps until 12weeks. I was going to ask Texas the next time she's on, but I think it's ok.
Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
yah i wouldn't want to do something unintentionally if i stopped using it once i became pg.
I know this is "online information" but take a look at this website.
but this user says progesterone cream is ok all the way up until 38weeks. *I haven't read the whole article yet*
Labor Buddy to Blowfish11
Cool, I hope they say "Everything allison(me) said is CORRECT, hand her a MD degree"
Labor Buddy to Blowfish11