2nd Trimester

Should I be irritated with my Doctor? (kinda long)

Okay, I'm not putting on all the weight that I should, I'm sorry! But is anyone counting the fact that I have obviously completely cut out all wine and beer (and I'm a wino) and Also that I'm trying to eat a LOT healthier because I have little one on board? Trust me, I'm eating every chance I can get! Why does she scold me like a 10 year old every time? But that's not the part that made me upset. Bear with me and give me your honest opinion.

I'm 18 weeks and my SO and I had our third checkup with my Dr on Monday. Well, my previous appointments had shown that my urine was bad. I explained to my Dr the first time that I have always had "bad pee" and I was going to see a specialist for it before I found out I was preggo. Well she just says that I have a small bladder... I always have to drink a ton of water and I'm in the bathroom every 10 minutes (I am NOT exaggerating) I've been dealing with this all my life. That morning I purposely drank three huge Smartwaters just so I wouldn't have to hear her complain about it.

Well, I went in and gave my urine test. The nurse came in and weighed me, blood pressure, temp (i was getting the flu shot) etc. Well, then comes in my Dr, who doesn't even look at me, with her back to me says "Brandi, your pee is horrible" back still to me "Michelle (her assistant) is bringing in some more water for you to drink and we're going to have you pee again. If it's not any better, I'm sending you to Labor and Delivery" I was dumbfounded, scared, terrified and so was my SO. She started explaining to me why I needed to drink more water (like I don't know.) At this point I'm shaking and I interrupt her and ask her what they are going to do at Labor & Delivery. She ignores my question and continues on about the amniotic sac and keytone levels. Which are going in one ear and out the other because all I can think of is Labor and Delivery.

I'm still freaking out when her assistant brings in a shot glass (again, not exaggerating) of water. Two minutes later the doctor asks me if I think I can pee again. I can always pee lady, that's my problem. So I go to the bathroom, freaking out the whole time knowing that this little bit of water and two minutes in comparison to the huge amount I had drank that morning just isn't going to help. I should just grab my things because I'm going to labor and delivery.

I give the nurse my sample and my Dr. comes back in and says "All better." I was so stressed and upset at that moment that I really wasn't thinking about her, I was thinking about the baby. So I'm questioning her, are you sure? If I need to go I'll go... and she's like "nope, you're fine, you just need to be drinking a lot more water."

So question. Do you think it was a scare tactic? Because I do and it kind of pi**es me off. When she said Labor and Delivery I thought they were going to take the baby. And that obviously upset me, as it does every time I tell the story. Should I be upset about this? Because I'm honestly considering switching doctors. Or perhaps I'm just overanalyzing it (hey, I am a woman.) Is it really possible for two ounces of water in two minutes to fix my "bad pee?" really?

Sorry so long, I just can't stop thinking about this.

Re: Should I be irritated with my Doctor? (kinda long)

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    I would be demanding answers from her and wouldn't have left the office until I received them.
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    First of all, I think if you don't like your doctor, switch.  It sounds like she doesn't have the best bedside manner.  However, I don't know what "bad pee" means and if your doctor is concerned about it, you might want to follow up with either her or someone else about what exactly the probelm is.
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    Seriously? Yes I would be pissed! Who is 1) that rude, 2) has such poor bedside manner, & 3) scares a pregnant woman like that for nothing? ERRRR. Just drink your water and decide whether you feel comfortable with this doctor...
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    I would be demanding answers from her and wouldn't have left the office until I received them.


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    Hi hun..first I just want to say hugs to you.  Sorry you had to go through that.

    Second, I agree and think it was a scare tactic.  My one question is how is your pee "bad" in the first place?  Did she not try to investigate that more when you first found out you were pregnant?  Third, I'd be looking for a new doctor cause she blatantly ignored your concerns for your baby and went on with her "plan" to prove you need to drink more water. 

    What did your SO have to say about all this?  I know mine would have had her explain every single thing she was requesting and suggesting. 

    Anywho, I think you should either call for another appt with her (asap) to discuss what happened and have her explain to you from point A to Z what happened and what you and she can do 'together' to make sure it doesn't happen again.  If that isn't going to work out than start looking for a new OB that you or someone you know has used and is trusted.  Someone who will listen to you and not just scare you into doing what they think you need to do, when obviously you are already doing it but can't help it due to your body.


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    WTF does "bad pee" mean?  What about it is bad?  Did you tell her how much water you drank that morning and ask her flat out how a shot glass could have changed things?


    And FYI-I was a big drinker too and am gaining weight just fine...

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    I think you are just a tad bit overreacting on this one.  Should the doctor have been more understanding - yes.  But she didn't say we're sending you to L&D to induce and have a totally non-viable baby at 18 weeks; they send people to L&D all the time so that you have a dedicated staff of doctors and nurses to monitor whatever the issue happens to be at the time.  

    If you truly don't like your doctor then by all means switch now and I suggest always finding a doctor that is going to listen to you as the patient and let you guide your treatment.

    Good luck! 

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    Um, that doesn't sound right. I would call and ask for more information.
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    Honestly, If I was thinking straight, I would have asked her to explain to me how that was even possible, but I was so upset. And I didn't start thinking that she tried to "scare" me until after I left. And Ugh! I wish I would have realized it then!

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    OMG, please change ob's!!!

    No OB should be that way and no, drinking a shot glass of water will not change your bad pee in a matter of mins.

    If she's this bad about basic appts, how can you trust her to listen to you and your decisions through labor, delivery and immediate care of your LO????

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    What a terrible experience!  Ask yourself, "If she's like this now and upsetting me this much now, what's she going to be like when I'm having my baby?"  I'd switch!
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    I don't know how I could trust any Dr. that says "your pee is horrible".

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    I don't understand how your "pee is bad".  It has a lot of keytones in it and is concentrated indicating dehydration?  Or you have protein in your urine?  If it's protein - its can be serious.  It can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, which should be taken seriously.  However, I doubt if it was that bad your OB would have been satisfied with a second, better urine sample.  I guess to really answer your question I need to understand what exactly is wrong with your pee.

    I always say that if you don't feel comfortable with your OB, don't feel like you can ask questions and don't feel like you get good answers to your questions, its always worth pursuing other options.  Are there other OBs in the practice you can see without switching the whole practice?  There are a few OBs in my practice I avoid and a few I love.



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    Honestly, If I was thinking straight, I would have asked her to explain to me how that was even possible, but I was so upset. And I didn't start thinking that she tried to "scare" me until after I left. And Ugh! I wish I would have realized it then!

    I would call and say that at the appointment you were a bit flustered and overwhelmed and would greatly appreciate either the doctor or the nurses physician sitting down with you and explaining what exactly "bad" pee is! If they will not give you the time then think about switching to someone that will explain more! Don't feel bad this is your pregnancy and you need to feel confident in your doctor!

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    I don't think you are overreacting at all. The way she is acting now is a HUGE red flag. You shouldn't feel as though you are scolded like a 10 year old by your dr. You also shouldn't feel like she's leaving you in the dark. She sounds incredibly insensitive and it doesn't seem like she cares at all how you feel. Can you imagine dealing with that in the delivery room?

    I'd switch drs immediately.

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    i think you should switch doctors if possible.  i really don't like some of the things she said to you.  in my opinion, they're rude and unprofessional.  if she thinks you have serious health concerns, she needs to tell you what they are and how to fix them, not belittle you.  you don't need undue stress while you're pregnant! i don't think you are overreacting at all-- switch!! :) 

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    See, no offense to the poster, but I always wonder about stories like this...we're only getting one side of the story.  Its unfathomable to me that a doctor would do something malicious like this just to scare someone...


    I understand you were upset and worried, but so much so that you didn't ask her to explain or demand any answers to your questions...or even ask questions? 

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    I don't understand how your "pee is bad".  It has a lot of keytones in it and is concentrated indicating dehydration?  Or you have protein in your urine?  If it's protein - its can be serious.  It can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, which should be taken seriously.  However, I doubt if it was that bad your OB would have been satisfied with a second, better urine sample.  I guess to really answer your question I need to understand what exactly is wrong with your pee.

    I always say that if you don't feel comfortable with your OB, don't feel like you can ask questions and don't feel like you get good answers to your questions, its always worth pursuing other options.  Are there other OBs in the practice you can see without switching the whole practice?  There are a few OBs in my practice I avoid and a few I love.




    I never realized until now that I really don't feel comfortable asking her questions. I feel silly for not digging a little deeper on this one and after reading everyones response, I really should feel I can ask any questions, or perhaps the same question if I don't necessarily understand it. I was just so upset when she wouldn't stop talking to me to explain what was going to happen at "Labor and Delivery"

    Regarding the "bad pee" as she puts it, it is because of keytone levels and the health of the amniotic sac. That's what I understood. But I just don't understand how it changed in a matter of minutes. She's my Dr, if she says there's a problem, I should be concerned, if she says there's no longer a problem, I should be okay... right? I drink water. I just don't get it.

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    Over-reacting? very slightly possibly. but, you're pg... so it's allowed!!!

    I think you need to get an exact explination as to what is wrong with your pee. Really, that shouldn't be that hard for them to answer. I think alot of dr.s don't have patients who want to know every detail, and just trust that if there's something wrong,  they'll be told.

    As for the L&D, it was probably just to hook you up to an IV and get a bag or two of fluid. If she just can't be convinced that you're drinking enough, this would be the step they'd take. The fact that it's so common for dr.s to do that when there's dehydration, 'bad pee', or low amniotic fluid probably just makes it no big deal for her, so she didn't realize that hearing that could be so scary to a mom.

    If you're really uncomfortable, or keep getting blown off... switch now before you so far in that a new dr. won't take you! 

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    Wow - that's horrible.  As PP said, I would demand answers.  You are the one paying your doctor's paycheck - don't forget that.  For me personally, it would have been a huge red flag, and I'd probably be looking at other practices.
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    See, no offense to the poster, but I always wonder about stories like this...we're only getting one side of the story.  Its unfathomable to me that a doctor would do something malicious like this just to scare someone...


    I understand you were upset and worried, but so much so that you didn't ask her to explain or demand any answers to your questions...or even ask questions? 


    No, I absolutely asked her questions, and so did my SO. She explained to me the keytone levels and she used the term bad pee herself. (sorry I didn't put that above) I was upset because I don't know what was going to happen to me at "Labor and Delivery" until she felt she got her point across and then she explained to me it would be to monitor the baby. I don't think any Doctor should tell me this with her back to me. It was completely insensitive. I still feel it was a scare tactic. I've had great Doctors before, I'm not one of those people who complains over nothing... I'm concerned and upset. I'm just not that comfortable with her.

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    First of all, I think if you don't like your doctor, switch.  It sounds like she doesn't have the best bedside manner.  However, I don't know what "bad pee" means and if your doctor is concerned about it, you might want to follow up with either her or someone else about what exactly the probelm is.

    I agree - change your doc if you don't like her.  She really does not sound like she has a great bed side manner.  Also - what is "bad pee"?  I don't get that.

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    Honestly, If I was thinking straight, I would have asked her to explain to me how that was even possible, but I was so upset. And I didn't start thinking that she tried to "scare" me until after I left. And Ugh! I wish I would have realized it then!

    I would call and say that at the appointment you were a bit flustered and overwhelmed and would greatly appreciate either the doctor or the nurses physician sitting down with you and explaining what exactly "bad" pee is! If they will not give you the time then think about switching to someone that will explain more! Don't feel bad this is your pregnancy and you need to feel confident in your doctor!


    See, I'm confused.  The poster said she KNOWS she has bad pee, that she always has...so its not a matter of not know what that means right? 

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    Whether she was trying to scare you or not, she did. If you can't settle the situation with her (explain to her how scared you were and that her behavior really caused you emotional turmoil), you should find a new OB. You two might not be a good fit. Try to imagine her handling an emergency situation delivering your baby. It's one thing if you feel she's super competent and you don't mind if she scares you a little. But if you need someone who can handle the situation but give you enough answers to keep you calm, you should find them. Afterall, never forget that you're PAYING the doctor for a service.
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    See, no offense to the poster, but I always wonder about stories like this...we're only getting one side of the story.  Its unfathomable to me that a doctor would do something malicious like this just to scare someone...


    I understand you were upset and worried, but so much so that you didn't ask her to explain or demand any answers to your questions...or even ask questions? 


    No, I absolutely asked her questions, and so did my SO. She explained to me the keytone levels and she used the term bad pee herself. (sorry I didn't put that above) I was upset because I don't know what was going to happen to me at "Labor and Delivery" until she felt she got her point across and then she explained to me it would be to monitor the baby. I don't think any Doctor should tell me this with her back to me. It was completely insensitive. I still feel it was a scare tactic. I've had great Doctors before, I'm not one of those people who complains over nothing... I'm concerned and upset. I'm just not that comfortable with her.



    Ok, so basically, you're mad at her for the way she went about things...well, if you're unhappy, switch doctors.  But it sounds like she was straight with you and gave you the answers you needed.  Maybe not in the manner you would like, but you did get them.

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    Honestly, If I was thinking straight, I would have asked her to explain to me how that was even possible, but I was so upset. And I didn't start thinking that she tried to "scare" me until after I left. And Ugh! I wish I would have realized it then!

    I would call and say that at the appointment you were a bit flustered and overwhelmed and would greatly appreciate either the doctor or the nurses physician sitting down with you and explaining what exactly "bad" pee is! If they will not give you the time then think about switching to someone that will explain more! Don't feel bad this is your pregnancy and you need to feel confident in your doctor!


    See, I'm confused.  The poster said she KNOWS she has bad pee, that she always has...so its not a matter of not know what that means right? 

    I know what is bad about my pee... She was explaining to me how the high keytone levels are negatively affecting my amniotic fluid. Which I've never been pregnant before so I would not have known this. What I don't know or understand is how a tiny cup of water (think one of those cone cups) and two minutes can change my keytone levels so drastically considering that I had drank a ton of water that morning. If it is possible, I would love to know how. I didn't think to ask her how that could happen. But it is what makes me feel like she was using a scare tactic.

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    Gotcha.  I think you should call her back and ask her.  Be honest with her about how much water you drank that morning and how she made you feel.  If you don't like her response, I would seriously consider finding a new doc.  You don't need head games.
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    I don't understand what "bad pee" is...

    And I wouldn't worry about gaining weight yet...I didn't gain ANYTHING until after 20 weeks (and I think it was only like 5 pounds which was all in my boobs until like 24 weeks). 

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    Wow, I can't believe your OB would stress you out that much!  I'm so sorry you had to go through with that.

    If you're not entirely sure about switching doctors, you can just schedule an appointment with another doctor and bring up your concerns.  Get a second opinion, pretty much.

    If the other doctor says your OB is full of it, definitely get a new OB.  If the other doctor confirms this "bad pee," decide whether or not you can handle the way the OB treats you, and go from there.

    Hope this helps!

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