1. - Got our first information session November 4. (Extremely nervous to say the least.)
2. - Work, wake (tomorrow), and trying to make it to Saturday for Fright Fest.
3. - Not exactly sure of the temp. But does Damn Cold count for anything...LOL.
My Wonderful Sister is my GC!!!!
3 IUIs, 2 unmedicated, 1 50mg of Clomid = All BFNs
Next step IVF!!!!
Melinda & Michael
God Bless The Broken Road
1. DA, HS approved and should be paying our next set of fees Friday to start our profile and be active!
2. Let's see, my DH comes home Thursday after being on the boat for 21 days! Friday we have to go up to the agency to pay them, and Saturday I am having a chocolate lovers spa party and then our church has a hayride planned that night!
3. It's 60 right now but it's supposed to get down to 48.
1 - When & where? We've been signed on with our facilitation center for a little over 3 months now. We have everything ready to go, just waiting for a match.
2 - What's on your agenda this week? To get my work done at the office, and get some random house chores done that I've been putting off.
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? about 64 degrees
DX: Severe MFI (very low motility) in 2006. 2 IVF's and 1 FET ended in 3 losses. Adopted our baby girl born 10/2/10. FET March 2012= c/p. Officially done with fertIlity treatments. Plan to start adoption process again 2014/2015.
1 - When & where? Awaiting Finalization on Oct 29th...it's getting close!!
2 - What's on your agenda this week? Hopefully going shopping to a craft store w/ my BFF...she's working on an album for her niece which will hopefully motivate me to get back to work on my album...I'm like a year behind on my scrapbook:(
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? We had a heavy frost Monday morning:( I think 45 today...BRRR...
1 - When & where? DA; waiting!! 2 - What's on your agenda this week? Lots of work, but also refinishing a piece of furniture for my office and start accessorizing the nursery. 3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? too cold! About 10-15 below normal. Today we will only get the the low 50's. =(
1. IA from Ethiopia. Home study complete, working on our dossier and waiting for documents to come back in the mail. Hopefully on the waiting list by Thanksgiving!
2. Work mainly- Casting Crowns concert Saturday night! Adoption wise- continuing to work on compiling our dossier.
3. 55 degress this morning! I love fall and would love it even more if I was sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning!
1. We are waiting for our caseworker's supervisor to write off on our home study.
2. Change the oil, clean and find more clients for my day job
3. I was going to say Cold, I had to turn on the heat this weekend, but I have no idea what COLD is, so i looked up on weather dot com it says its warmed up to 45 today
Re: Monday (night) check-in
1 - DA & matched. Due date early January.
2 - Work, dinner with BM, Tastefully Simple party w/friends, maybe some more nursery decorating.
3 - @ 11pm Monday night it's 54. Fall is here!?
1. - Got our first information session November 4. (Extremely nervous to say the least.)
2. - Work, wake (tomorrow), and trying to make it to Saturday for Fright Fest.
3. - Not exactly sure of the temp. But does Damn Cold count for anything...LOL.
1. DA, HS approved and should be paying our next set of fees Friday to start our profile and be active!
2. Let's see, my DH comes home Thursday after being on the boat for 21 days! Friday we have to go up to the agency to pay them, and Saturday I am having a chocolate lovers spa party and then our church has a hayride planned that night!
3. It's 60 right now but it's supposed to get down to 48.
1 - Just starting off in the process, first meeting for fost/adopt Thursday, but seriously considering private adoption.
2 - Work, work, work, Scrapbook Convention Saturday where I will spend too much money, then scrapbook christmas album class Sunday
3 - 60 with a HUGE rain storm about to blow in tomorrow.
1. Just made our first informational meeting appointment
2. Lots of work, unfortunatly
3. I think around 20 degrees.
1) working on paying off our debt and increasing our savings (does that count?)
2) Just work and moving
3) it's in the 60's and rain should start coming down soon
1 - When & where? We've been signed on with our facilitation center for a little over 3 months now. We have everything ready to go, just waiting for a match.
2 - What's on your agenda this week? To get my work done at the office, and get some random house chores done that I've been putting off.
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? about 64 degrees
1. Waiting for a match
2. Picking up the flooring for the nursery and going baby shopping this weekend.
3. 49 degrees. Brrr!
1 - When & where? FA - 2 years in this roller coaster
1 adoptive placement, 3 foster placements
2 - What's on your agenda this week? found out more information about our adoptive son's new little sibling.
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? in the 60s here in north Texas
A little late...
1 - When & where? working on home study and profile
2 - What's on your agenda this week? work, heading to Maryland this weekend
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? 43 BRRR!
1 - When & where? DA - Waiting on Formal Application to be approved.
2 - What's on your agenda this week? work
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? it was cool yesterday (high 50's low 60's) but it's supposed to be in the 70's this afternoon.
1 - When & where? DA; awaiting finalization
2 - What's on your agenda this week? Work mainly but my parents are coming for a visit this weekend for my birthday! yay
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? mid 60s. thankfully the weather is suppose to clear and we may see some sunshine today!
1 - When & where? Awaiting Finalization on Oct 29th...it's getting close!!
2 - What's on your agenda this week? Hopefully going shopping to a craft store w/ my BFF...she's working on an album for her niece which will hopefully motivate me to get back to work on my album...I'm like a year behind on my scrapbook:(
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? We had a heavy frost Monday morning:( I think 45 today...BRRR...
Responding Tuesday morning!
1. DA, waiting on final homestudy report and scheduling our profile video
2. Adoption webinar tonight, cleaning the house in preparation for a visit from my parents
3. low to mid 40s
2 - What's on your agenda this week? Lots of work, but also refinishing a piece of furniture for my office and start accessorizing the nursery.
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? too cold! About 10-15 below normal. Today we will only get the the low 50's. =(
1. IA from Ethiopia. Home study complete, working on our dossier and waiting for documents to come back in the mail. Hopefully on the waiting list by Thanksgiving!
2. Work mainly- Casting Crowns concert Saturday night! Adoption wise- continuing to work on compiling our dossier.
3. 55 degress this morning! I love fall and would love it even more if I was sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning!
1 - When & where? DA, matched, 4 days until due date
2 - What's on your agenda this week? Becoming a mommy
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? 25 which is about 15 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. Yippee
1. We are waiting for our caseworker's supervisor to write off on our home study.

2. Change the oil, clean and find more clients for my day job
3. I was going to say Cold, I had to turn on the heat this weekend, but I have no idea what COLD is, so i looked up on weather dot com it says its warmed up to 45 today
1. DD is home!! Waiting to finalize in March or April
2. Getting ready for our first family trip with five.
3. 59 and about to rain.
1 - When & where? DA, active and waiting for a match
2 - What's on your agenda this week? celebrating our 5th anniversary Friday!!
3 - What is the current temperature wherever you are? cold, 40s I think. too early to be this cold - stupid windy city!