I got pg when DD was 9 mo old. My dr. was not concerned. She had told me previously that it was best to wait at least 9 mo but closer to one year. She has no concerns about me getting pg at 9 mo pp.
I got pg when DS1 was 9-10mo. My ob told me at my 6wk post partum appt that if I wanted a vbac, I should wait 18mo to conceive. If I was doing a repeat c/s, it didn't matter when I got pg.
I had a repeat, had no complications during pregnancy/delivery/recovery as a result of a previous c/s.
Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
I got pregnant both times when the previous DC was 5 months old. My doctor was fine with it and said I could have a VBAC with #2 if I chose. I have healed great and had no problems. I had 3 c/s's in 28 months.
My doctor has no concerns and encouraged me to get pregnant as soon as I'd like to. ?I've always wanted a repeat c/s though, so his advice may have been different if I wanted to go VBAC.
the bug & bee blog
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Wow, I guess things are different in the USA than they are here in Canada. My OB suggested another c-section since there was less than two years between pregnancies. He said there is a very small (about 1%) chance that the incision could rupture and we could lose the baby and I would require a blood transfusion. He also said that if I tried the chances of it ending in natural birth were about 50/50. I decided against VBAC.
I'm recovering very well from the surgery and would highly recommend it. It's so much less stressful and I'm finding I'm WAY less tired than I was after labouring the first time.
DS will be 14 months old when DD is born. I'm having a repeat c-section as my doc thinks the risks of a VBAC this close to my c/s are great. I had a great recovery from my 1st so I'm fine with the decision (1st c-section was scheduled due to size of DS).
Re: Any moms pg in less than 1 year after c/s?
Yup - ME! 2 times. I got PG with DD#2 when DD#1 was 9 months old and got PG with DS when DD#2 was 10 months old. I had 3 c-sections in 3 years.
My OB was fine with it. I heal really well, and have no issues.
I got pg when DS1 was 9-10mo. My ob told me at my 6wk post partum appt that if I wanted a vbac, I should wait 18mo to conceive. If I was doing a repeat c/s, it didn't matter when I got pg.
I had a repeat, had no complications during pregnancy/delivery/recovery as a result of a previous c/s.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
Mine are 17 months apart.
No concerns and was even offered VBAC.
Congrats and GL!
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Wow, I guess things are different in the USA than they are here in Canada. My OB suggested another c-section since there was less than two years between pregnancies. He said there is a very small (about 1%) chance that the incision could rupture and we could lose the baby and I would require a blood transfusion. He also said that if I tried the chances of it ending in natural birth were about 50/50. I decided against VBAC.
I'm recovering very well from the surgery and would highly recommend it. It's so much less stressful and I'm finding I'm WAY less tired than I was after labouring the first time.
Good luck making your decision.
DS will be 14 months old when DD is born. I'm having a repeat c-section as my doc thinks the risks of a VBAC this close to my c/s are great. I had a great recovery from my 1st so I'm fine with the decision (1st c-section was scheduled due to size of DS).