Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Traveling with an infant

Hi Girls- 

DH has a training in Florida at the end of the month, so DD and I are going to try to join him, as long as her passport gets her in time.  I am sooo ready to spend some time in the states shopping at Target, BabiesRUs, and the mall and eating at Olive Garden, Sonic and Cracker Barrel (it's the very basic American things you miss when living overseas).

Anyway, we will obviously have to fly back (on a 15 hour flight-ugh). Just wondering if you have any tips, suggestions, tricks, etc for flying with an infant. She'll be just over 2 months old when we travel. I know to nurse her on take off/landing (and in between of course) and I bought travel bags for the carseat/stroller to try to protect them since they will get gate checked. Any other great ideas? What did you pack- how much did you have on board and how much in luggage?  Anything else you brought or didn't bring that you needed/didn't really need?

Re: Traveling with an infant

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    Which airline are you going to be flying?  Some international flights have "bassinets" available for people traveling with small infants.  I can't remember which airlines I've seen them on but it would be perfect for a 2 month old.   There was a bracket on the wall in the bulkhead seats that the bassinet hooked into.  You'd need to request it & the bulkhead seats ahead of time. I'd call the airlines you're looking at flying to see if it is an option.
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    At 2 months old it should be a piece of cake.  Bring a few change of clothes for DD and a extra shirt for yourself.  If she spits up you do not want to be stuck with wet shirt all those hours. If you have connecting bring more diapers/milk that you would normally need, if you have a issue with flight delays you won't have access to your luggage.  Good luck
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    We are flying American. I asked about the bassinet and they said it couldn't be requested- that it is first come, first serve. Bummer! I think we will try to get to the airport early and see if we can request it. If not, I guess we will just switch off holding her and hope she sleeps quite a bit :) She's a good baby and loves to just sit and look at people, so hopefully she will be happy to do that on the plane as well. 
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    I think that's such an easy age to travel with, good luck!! 

    I would just make sure to have lots of changes of clothes for her and a change of clothes for you. I also think at that age it's easiest to put them in a sling to go through security and check strollers and carseats at the ticket counter.

    Just remember, if you forget something, there will be a target or somewhere to get stuff.  

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