Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

*hiya* semi newbie....

Hi girls,

I mostly post over on 3rd tri and the SAHM boards but I figured I would add the local board to my list :)

 I'm Shelly, live just north of Frisco (Savannah to be exact), SAHM to my 4 1/2 year old DD who attends preschool at Prince of Peace Christian in Plano, been with DH for almost 6 years, happily expecting our 2nd little girl sometime this month :) 

Nice to meet you fellow local bumpies!

Re: *hiya* semi newbie....

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    Hi! My cousin lives in Savannah - it's really pretty there! Good luck with the last part of your pregnancy and the delivery!
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    Hi! My cousin lives in Savannah - it's really pretty there! Good luck with the last part of your pregnancy and the delivery!

    thanks! we do love it out here but its just SOOOO far away from everything LOL.


    congrats with your pregnancy as well! my oldest daughter is a January baby :)

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