Houston Babies


I am trying your hair dryer trick as I type. So far, it's working (fingers crossed).  My question is, does this burn up your hair dryer letting it run that long or did you sneak in and turn it off?

Thanks so much for the advice!!!

Re: **KelleyA**

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    **butting in**  Are you talking about running a hair dryer to get a baby to sleep?  If so, you need a baby crack machine!!!  We love the waterfall sound - and we leave it on all night.  It plugs in or can take batteries (we bring it with us when we go somewhere). 

    If not....don't mind me!  **butting out**

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    Yes, sneak in and turn it off.  It's not a bad idea to replace it with other noise, an ipod, white noise machine, the tv, running water...any noise will do. I didn't burn up my dryer or vacuum and I used that trick a LOT.  Glad it's working!!!!


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