High-Risk Pregnancy

Hi all! (long)

Hi, I'm new to the High-Risk board, but not new to the Bump.  I am 11 weeks and I went to my 1st ob appt. yesterday.  He told me things I expected to hear. That my pregnancy is extreamly high-risk.  I'll give a little background info.  I was pregnant in 2003 w/my first.  I developed preeclampcia at about 20 weeks my DD Gracie was born at 24 weeks.  She weighed in at 1lb 1oz.  11 inches long.  She did really well and came home 6 mos later.  Things went well she did have to have a trach. to help her breathe.  When she was almost 2 she had surgery to remove trach.  She passed away a few days later from complicatons.  Dh and I waited 1 year to try to have another baby.  We had also had an ectopic pregnancy between this time.  I lost a tube.  Well finally after 3 years of trying we are pregnant.   I'm so scared of going throught all of this again.  I really just want a child soo bad.  I figure I would move to this board from 1st tri. because I feel so lost there.  I don't think there are many others there that will understand what its like to hear HIGH-RISK...its really scary.  Thanks so much for letting me get all of this out.  I know it's long. :)

Re: Hi all! (long)

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    wow....you have been through so much! Good luck with this pregnancy! I will be thinking of you!
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    wow....you have been through so much! Good luck with this pregnancy! I will be thinking of you!

    Thank you so much! :)

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    I am so sorry for all you have been through.  You must be a very strong person.  I will be praying for you in this pregnancy.  I have GD so I don't have any experience with pre-e but there are some women on this board that do and I am sure they will be helpful.  The ladies on here are really nice and helpful.  They also have a different perspective that those on the other boards and it is a good place to vent/express fears, etc.  I really hope things work out for you this time. 
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    Welcome.  I hope your journey this time is a little easier.  You are right in the 1st tri board not really understanding I had similar problems.  Keep us posted on how everything is going.  Best of luck!
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    I am so sorry for your loss but so happy for your new pregnancy! congrats and a really happy and healthy 9 months to you!  i will be thinking of you and pls keep us posted.
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    I am so sorry for your loss and wish you all the best with this pregnancy.  I think you will find this board to be much more understanding than the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester boards...sometimes those girls don't know how good they've got it.  I'm on here for being high risk for preterm labor 2o to previous cervical funneling and also GD.  I don't have personal experience with pre-e, but there are lots of ladies on here that do!  Either way, I hope that we can provide support for you during this journey.  Stay strong & GL!
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    I am glad you have found this board and know it will be a great resource for you!! Best of luck - I know you will have a lot of worrisome days ahead. I am having my csection tomorrow. I had my first at 27 weeks due to severe pre-e. I am full term and having a 37 weeker tomorrow. I was on bed rest for almost 15 weeks. But nothing compares to the loss of a child and I do not know how you recover. But have faith that you will make it through - and you will have a beautiful child. I hope you can enjoy your pregnancy. Best of luck to you!
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    I am glad you have found this board and know it will be a great resource for you!! Best of luck - I know you will have a lot of worrisome days ahead. I am having my csection tomorrow. I had my first at 27 weeks due to severe pre-e. I am full term and having a 37 weeker tomorrow. I was on bed rest for almost 15 weeks. But nothing compares to the loss of a child and I do not know how you recover. But have faith that you will make it through - and you will have a beautiful child. I hope you can enjoy your pregnancy. Best of luck to you!

    I'm sooo happy for you!!  Wow a 37 weeker after a 27 weeker!! That gives me sooo much hope!!!!  My Dr's are really great so far and I'm happy to be monitored very closley so hopefuly we can keep this baby baking as long as possible!!  Thanks everyone so much for making me feel welcome to the board!!

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    Welcome to the board!  First of all, I think long posts are the norm on this board.  We all have a lot to say.  Secondly, congrats on your long-awaited pregnancy!  I am sure you and DH are as much thrilled as you are terrified.  I am so sorry to hear of your losses.  I know it's cliche, but I can't even imagine losing a child.  My heart goes out to you, sincerely.  No one should ever have to experience that. 

    I had pre-e and HELLP Syndrome for about 2 weeks when I delivered DS.  He was only 5 weeks early, so nothing compared to some of the ladies on here, but it was still nuts compared to your average childbirth.  I have no serious issues from the HELLP and DS is fine now.  He did have to spend 2 weeks in the NICU.  I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with DS #2. 

    The fear that you're speaking of is totally real, and the ladies on here are the only people I've found that actually understand what you're saying.  I am now at the point in my pregnancy where I feel like I'm living on borrowed time and at any time, the pre-e can kick off again and life as I know it would be over.  It drives me nuts how many times people have told me, "Quit stressing, don't worry."  I wanna kick their butts!!!  I mean, how can you NOT worry?  I know it's counterproductive and sends your BP up, but seriously.....if you've gone through it, you're GOING to worry.  I guess all I can tell you is to try and not let it consume ALL of your thoughts.  So many ladies on this board have had very early preemies and have gone on to have full-term babies.  You are high-risk, true, but as my MFM told me, pre-e is more often a 1st pregnancy issue and if you do get it again, it's likely to be later in the pregnancy.  Just do your best to minimize your stress and use this board as a source of support.  I've only been on here for the past month and I can't TELL you how invaluable it has been.  I wish I would have been "bumping" for my whole pregnancy!!!!

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