Upstate NY Babies

roaming babies

We are trying to figure out how many and where to put gates up in our house.  I want G to be safe but at the same time I don't want any of us to feel fenced in or permanently separated from eachother.  It seems like we could either put a ton of fences up or very few and I'm just wondering how much freedom your LOs have to roam the house. 

Also, since I'm just starting to look at all this- your thoughts on types of gates- metal, mesh extra-tall would be helpful- as with most baby things there are too many choices out there.

Re: roaming babies

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    We don't have any gates. We baby proofed as best as we could and I just keep the bedrooms/bathroom doors closed when he's around playing.
    imageimageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    we have the gates b/c of teh dogs.  We'll probably get 1 more.  We have a gate between the family room and kitchen.  There is a step down.  Then we have 2 gates around the entrance to the dining room(dh put down hardwood floors and we don't want the dogs in there) then we have 1 at teh bottom of the stairs.  Eventually we will get one for the top of the stairs.
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    We have 3 gates- 1 at the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor, 1 at the top of the basement stairs (there's no door) and one at the bottom of the stairs. I also used to have one near the kitchen door (there are 2 steps down there) but now he can do the stairs well its packed away.

    We have the Evenflo wooden ones for the top of the stairs, and a Safety 1st white plastic one for the bottom of the stairs- whatever you get make sure you can open/close it with one hand! Makes it easier for laundry, carrying the baby, etc.

    Otherwise we closed off the doors for rooms we didn't want him in. We do have 1 step in the kitchen but we never really kept him away from it, just taught him how to manuever it.

    Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
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    If we had stairs, we'd have gates.  But, we don't have any stairs, and therefore no gates.  We have cabinets locked that he shouldn't be in, and keep the bathroom doors closed.  But other than that, he has free roam of the house.
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    So far we just have one gate at the bottom of the stairs because my son was wanting to climb up them all the time.  We never leave him alone so that's all we've needed so far.  However, eventually we'll need to get one for the top of the stairs.  We just haven't because we can't find one with the measurements we need.
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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