Upstate NY Babies

I have some major shopping to do!

With my EDD coming up really soon, I better get going with everything!

Although both girls, they are opposite seasons so I have to make sure I have all the warm weather things I need for this Oct baby.  All new bottles and/or nipples (since there wasn't much BPA-free stuff last time around), replacement parts for the pump, diapers, wipes, carseat protector, BM storage bags...etc etc etc!!  

It's crazy how much new stuff we need - I already bought another monitor as well as another convertible carseat for DD (for DH's car).

Can you think of anything I might be forgetting?  Esp for those with a 2nd baby?  What I really need is a housecleaner!  DH is never around.. not looking forward to scrubbing toilets and mopping the floors :(

Re: I have some major shopping to do!

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    I feel like I'm in the same exact boat.  I have done nothing so far to get ready for the baby!!  I didn't even think of some of the stuff you mentioned having to get (mainly all the bf supplies).  I'll need to check and see what I have left from last time.  And I'm due in December so I'll need to get a lot of clothes since Justin was born in June.  I feel stressed!!
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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