Upstate NY Babies

Babysitter Cost ?

What is the going rate for babysitters? My son is 3 months old and goes to bed at 7pm so he wouldn't be super difficult for the babysitter. I was thinking $10 per hour? is that reasonable or am I way off?

Re: Babysitter Cost ?

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    That seems like a lot in our area-esp if the baby will be asleep. SIL has a 26 mth old and 14 month old twins and she pays $10 an hour. I guess it depends on who the sitter is- age/experience.
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    Man...I remember when I sat for $2/hr for multiple kids.

    I think $10 is MAX....but you probably get what you pay for. If you find someone with experience - just ask what he or she gets from the other families.

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