Upstate NY Babies

4 month wakeful period?

have any of you experienced this?  I didn't notice a big difference with Bella because her whole first 14 months of life (oh who am I kidding...her WHOLE life) has been a "wakeful period." 

Joseph had been STTN up until this week (he'll be 4 months a week from tomorrow). Now he wakes up at around 11ish and again at 3. Is this the 4 month wakeful period they talk about and how long does it last? 


Re: 4 month wakeful period?

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    Alexis never really did this, but Emily did, although she only woke up once each night.  I think it lasted about 3-4 months for us if I remember correctly.
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    I hate to tell ya.. but Eve STTN until she turned 4 months old.. then stopped.. and hasn't really started consistently STTN again since.. Although we are definitely improving from where we were a month ago.
    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
    m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
    Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
    baby growth
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    I hate to tell ya.. but Eve STTN until she turned 4 months old.. then stopped.. and hasn't really started consistently STTN again since.. Although we are definitely improving from where we were a month ago.


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    My DD didn't STTN until after 14 months.. but the wakeful period could be now.. I just remember things got a lot worse when my DD started teething and things like that.  Big changes upset their sleep schedules (and not just pain from teething.. things like being able to sit up or crawl), if I remember correctly.
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    I hate to tell ya.. but Eve STTN until she turned 4 months old.. then stopped.. and hasn't really started consistently STTN again since.. Although we are definitely improving from where we were a month ago.

    That happened to us too.  Rosie was a pretty good sleeper, not great, but she was up once or twice a night, until around 4 months.  Then everything hit the fan, and she was up more times than I could count.  It lasted until we tried Ferber at 7 months, and she's been STTN since then.

    She definitely goes through sleep regressions- she had one at 12/13 months that was awful, but she was back to normal after about 3 weeks.

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