Upstate NY Babies

? about yogurt melts

I thought babies couldn't have dairy until a year.  How can they have gerber yogurt melts earlier? or is it just they can't have milk?

Re: ? about yogurt melts

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    I think it's that babies shouldn't replace their BM/formula intake with milk prior to one year.  

    We slowly tried dairy cheese and yogurt at 9 months which is a little late because of G's reaction to formula. 

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    We started yogurt and yogurt melts well before Justin was a year old.  Our Dr. ok'd it but I know every Dr. has their own opinion about this.
    Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I posted this question on another board once.. Its like orangeluck said.. you can't give them cows milk instead of BM/formula, but they can have dairy.. Cheese, yogurt, and stuff like that is all fine.. partially just cuz the milk protein is already broken down some and also just because you're not replacing BM/formula with it.

    Some of the girls on PAL actually started weaning to cows milk at 10 or 11 months... their Pedi's okayed it.

    Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
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    Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
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    Yep - it isn't that milk is just shouldn't replace formula/breastmilk.

    We give Evan yogurt melts - my God he loves them! I try not to overdo it because there is a lot of sugar in them. We give him cheese, yogurt...he's tried cottage cheese but that didn't go over too well. He's also had some regular milk in his sippy cup a few times - esp when he's eating things like pancakes.

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