3rd Trimester

My sister and her comments ::vent::

So because I haven't had my baby yet, that means I'm getting a c-section.  Seriously?  My sister has had 2 kids already, and she was 40+ when her water broke with her 2nd one. She's also the one that keeps pressuring me into taking castor oil.  She's always been the jeolous type, my mom tells me all the time how she always has to mention all the negative stuff about me.  I just tend to ignore her, but she's getting annoying.

Re: My sister and her comments ::vent::

  • Don't you LOVE when sisters are like that.  One of mine always weems to be competeing with me and my other sis.  Crazy.  I can totally relate.
    Proud Air Force Wife!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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