Upstate NY Babies

Need advice - part-time daycare

DH just called me - he's been offered a part-time teaching job that would have him working in the morning. We would only need someone to watch ds for about 4 to 4 1/2 hours each day. What would be a reasonable amount to pay for this, and any recs on where I should look? Know of anyone in the Clifton Park area that would be available?

Re: Need advice - part-time daycare

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    Liam just started at North Country Academy last week and so far it seems good.  I looked at their site quick and it does look like they have a rate of $9 for "Drop-in Daycare".  You might want to call and see if they can do part time and confirm the rate.

    If you're looking for an individual, you can check out craigslist.  I've seen ads on there.  We don't know many people in the area, and the people we did talk to about childcare all recommended North Country.  We had hoped to find someone that would watch him in their home, but no such luck.  Let me know if you find someone good!

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    i pay $17 for 3 hours $24 for 4-6 hours and $33 for a full day
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    We checked them out yesterday. We really liked them. We're going to visit Child Time on rt. 146 on Monday, but may end up going with North Country.
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