Upstate NY Babies

DR appt yesterday


I brought my DD with me because my sitter has been hanging out with my cousin's sick babies (like temps of 103).  

Turned out to be a nightmare - they had to do an u/s so I had to wait 40 minutes (since I wasn't really scheduled for it) and another 40ish for the Dr to see me (they were running behind because of something that had happened in the morning).

The Dr didn't have any new advice about having a c-section vs. trying to go naturally, since my situation is kind of unique with the problems I had with the first birth.  And, instead of having a nice, meaningful conversation, we had been sitting in the Drs office for about 2.5 hours and I was starving and my DD was crying.  I do really like this Drs office but not quite what I envisioned...

I'm going to try to make a decision today though (if I elect for the c-section) - I am praying I don't go into labor on my own in the meantime!

Re: DR appt yesterday

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    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, that IS a long wait! Good luck with your decision.
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    Sorry it was a crappy trip!  As far as the decision, it is a hard one to make.  I had to make it myself.  I pushed for almost 3 hours with Tyler and I had an terrible recovery with him.  I was very scared of the same experience so I opted for the scheduled section.  What a difference!  I felt so much better with Brianna!  I was able to care for both myself and her much better than I could with Tyler.
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    Good Luck with the decision...and I'm sorry that the dr. appointment wasnt more helpful in swaying your decision
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