1st Trimester

I cannot believe this

Two days after DH and I told our families we were expecting DH's sister said she was also expecting.  Last night we were all together and she told me she was 3 1/2 weeks, which would mean she found out when she was 4 or 5 dpo.  She just said a whole bunch of stuff that wasn't adding up.  DH's entire family believed that she was lying to start with, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.  Today she said she was having a m/c.  Now obviously I wouldn't wish a m/c on my worst enemy, but if she is faking this I find it extremely disguisting.  I was always told that she HAD to be the center of attention at all times, but this is taking it way to far.  I am just shocked that someone would stoop to this level for attention.  I guess for her sake I hope she was making it up and really isn't having a m/c.  I just don't know what to think.

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Re: I cannot believe this

  • woah. good ol' IL's....
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  • Wow, it does kind of seem like she's lying since finding out so soon, although its not impossible and then a day or so later a m/c...that would be more like a chemical pg or something, but it does sound iffy.
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  • I hope she doesn't get on these boards.
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Wow!
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  • Whatever to her. Just be glad that you are ok and that everyone realizes whats going on. I never subscribed to someone stealing my thunder by being pregnant at the same time. Just less unwanted attention on me. GL with having her as a SIL, though.
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  • Major eye rolls for your SIL.  I'd be on the safe side and not say anything for a while until it plays out, but it really sounds like she's being beyond a drama queen.  I'm sorry you are having to deal with this!
  • Ugh, you hate to think someone would be so desperate as to make something like that up.  One would wonder why?  You don't say how close you two are but I might have a conversation with her to find out how she is feeling. It may uncover some of the reasons she might make up a lie about it. 

    I know people, like my own mother, seem a bit skeptical of me. I just took a pregnancy test on thursday and it came back positive. My husband and I got married on August 13, began trying immediately, my chart showed I ovulated the following week, and I probably conceived on the 18th or 19th and found out 28 days after the wedding.  Some say "how did you find out so soon?"  Well, for one, we were looking for it. I was very symptomatic and hopeful....but I wonder if part of the reason my mom is skeptical is because things have changed so much since she was pregnant. Tests are so much more sensitive and can detect pregnancy so early.  According to all these websites I am about 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. But because my brother & his wife had a baby a couple of days ago, I wonder if people think I am jealous or something and looking for the limelight.  Interesting topic anyway.

  • I found out at 3.5 weeks so its not impossible, however if she is faking, that is terrible. Of course though, at 3.5 weeks, its so early that her mc is due to only haveing a chemical pregnancy, which a sperm met the egg but it didn't implant as yet. At 4.5 weeks it implants.
  • I also found out at 3.5 weeks...
  • imagejkcharles:
    I found out at 3.5 weeks so its not impossible, however if she is faking, that is terrible. Of course though, at 3.5 weeks, its so early that her mc is due to only haveing a chemical pregnancy, which a sperm met the egg but it didn't implant as yet. At 4.5 weeks it implants.
    If implantation didn't occur there wouldn't be anything in her system to provide a positive pregnancy test. A chemical pregnancy is where there's no physical proof of a pregnancy yet, just the hormonal proof.
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I also found out around 3 1/2 weeks..i got a BFP 8dpo...coming from someone that has suffered 2 losses i would assume she is telling the truth and support her unless you find out otherwise..
  • She supposedly found out Aug. 28th and told me she was supposed to be due May 11, which would make her 5 weeks.  But in the same sentence she told me she was only 3 1/2 weeks.  I just find it odd for someone who wasn't ttc to test at 7dpo.  I don't know if I believe her or not.  She lies a lot to get attention and I guess this isn't the first time she has done this.  I'm not close with her so I'm just not going to say anything.
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  • The first day of my last period was 8/5, I am due on 5/12, on 8/28 I was approx 3.5 weeks (tested on  9/1 though)  A couple days off here and there, but her dates pretty much match up with mine. Not truying to force the issue, but she could be telling the truth.

  • imageBelhurstBride:
    I found out at 3.5 weeks so its not impossible, however if she is faking, that is terrible. Of course though, at 3.5 weeks, its so early that her mc is due to only haveing a chemical pregnancy, which a sperm met the egg but it didn't implant as yet. At 4.5 weeks it implants.
    If implantation didn't occur there wouldn't be anything in her system to provide a positive pregnancy test. A chemical pregnancy is where there's no physical proof of a pregnancy yet, just the hormonal proof.

    Implantation occurs at 7-10dpo typically (somtimes as early as 5dpo or late as 12dpo)...which is only about 3 weeks pg.  Implantation has to occur for there to be a BFP like the pp said.

    imageimageimageimageimage 9/07 m/c baby boy @ 18wks, 4/09 m/c @ 4.5wks
  • By your math, she would be 5 weeks.  But maybe she is unaware at this point that her due date is figured by LMP and she is counting from ovulation.  If she counted from the day of ovulation, it would make her 3.5 weeks in her mind.

    Of course if she is aware enough of her own body to know when she ovulated, you would think she would be aware of how the due date is figured.

    Either way, if she is lying and its just for attention, it will blow over pretty quickly and you will be pregnant for the next several months so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  • Gross. I'm glad there's not a real baby in that picture. Congrats to you though.

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