North Carolina Babies


Warning... new mommy ignorance below!

It seems early to me but I think DS may have started teething in the last week.  He's been just cranky (usually not at all), drooling a lot more, chewing on his paci rather than sucking on it, hands in his mouth all the time and he has a very faint, dry and irregular cough (which I read can be part of teething).  The cough is of course what has me worried, DH thinks it's just a touch of whatever is in the fall air, but I'm paranoid. 

I feel like it could be teething and I want to make sure it's nothing else, DH says I'm over reacting and he's probably right, I'd just rather ya'll tell me that!   

Re: teething?

  • It could be teething. Aside from occasional crankiness and cough, Nolan exhibits all of the symptoms mentioned above pretty much every day. (I've read the cough is related to all the drool). We have yet to see teeth though. With my luck he's going to be one of these kids that teethes for months until a tooth pops out. 
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  • I think a lot of the chewing on things is a developmental stage. They just figure out how to do it and do it a lot.

    Does he have any other signs that he is sick? Fever? Runny nose?

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  • imagesms297:

    I think a lot of the chewing on things is a developmental stage. They just figure out how to do it and do it a lot.

    Yep.  My pediatrician warned us at DS's 4 month appt that everyone was going to tell us that he was teething b/c of all the drool & the obsessive hand-chewing.  She said that the average baby gets a first tooth at 7 months.  Drool & chewing are normal and they may or may not be related to teething.  DS did end up getting his first teeth at 5 months, so he actually was teething back then.  :P

    It's possible that he's getting a cold & doesn't feel well.  I think cold season is upon us.  *sigh*

  • Nope, no other sick signs.  He has definitely reached the stage where he's realized that he can grab stuff and put it in his mouth!

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