Warning... new mommy ignorance below!
It seems early to me but I think DS may have started teething in the last week. He's been just cranky (usually not at all), drooling a lot more, chewing on his paci rather than sucking on it, hands in his mouth all the time and he has a very faint, dry and irregular cough (which I read can be part of teething). The cough is of course what has me worried, DH thinks it's just a touch of whatever is in the fall air, but I'm paranoid.
I feel like it could be teething and I want to make sure it's nothing else, DH says I'm over reacting and he's probably right, I'd just rather ya'll tell me that!
Re: teething?
Catching up on sports news...
I think a lot of the chewing on things is a developmental stage. They just figure out how to do it and do it a lot.
Does he have any other signs that he is sick? Fever? Runny nose?
Yep. My pediatrician warned us at DS's 4 month appt that everyone was going to tell us that he was teething b/c of all the drool & the obsessive hand-chewing. She said that the average baby gets a first tooth at 7 months. Drool & chewing are normal and they may or may not be related to teething. DS did end up getting his first teeth at 5 months, so he actually was teething back then. :P
It's possible that he's getting a cold & doesn't feel well. I think cold season is upon us. *sigh*
Nope, no other sick signs. He has definitely reached the stage where he's realized that he can grab stuff and put it in his mouth!