3rd Trimester

Menstral like cramping

Anyone else have menstral like cramping, that radiates to your thighs, lower back pain, sudden bowel movement, nausea, even shaky and sharp little tingles in your vag? and you are NOT in labor right now? I had contractions on and off for the past 4 days and was put on bedrest. But the symptoms listed started yesterday and just never stop. I am laying down because Im on bedrest and they dont stop. Ive gone into LAD twice this weekend where they monitored me and only a few contractions showed up and my drs internal was closed and the next day a nurse said a fingertip. When the nurse spoke to my dr, my dr said "oh yea maybe it was a fingertip" UGH so frustrating. Its too early for him to come and Im looking for all these signs so we can catch PTL in time.
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Re: Menstral like cramping

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    Are they timeable? These are how my contractions felt when I was hooked up to the monitor and they were registering. Felt like a menstrual cramp in my back and made me feel like I had to poop (like it was squeezing my butt, lol).

    Lay back, drink a lot of water, see if they continue. If they are timeable, call your doc.

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    I had this one morning after sex and it scared me!  I remembered my prenatal class, drank 2 big glasses of water and laid down for awhile.  It went away after an hour or two.  At my next appt., the OB said that it was likely false labor pains and not to worry if it went away after resting for a couple of hours.  Call if pain came in regular intervals or did not subside.

    ***************************** Our beautiful daughter was born in October 2009. Turns out she was quite the miracle. After two years of TTC, diagnosed with DOR. A couple of failed treatment cycles later, we decided to let go of our hope for more biological children and explore adoption.
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    Drink water - you may be dehydrated!

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    I was up at 630 with the same problems but they stopped. I know we talked yesterday about the meds and stuff. I would ask your DR more aboout the pills and if they would help if your on them. I took my last dose yesterday at 6 and woke up at 630 with the contractions. I got up right away ate and took another pill I havent had one since a little after I took the meds.
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    I've been having the same thing. I've also been having regular, painful contractions, I'm dilated, and having horrible back pain. They gave me a shot of Brethine last week, but since my Ffn test came back negative they just keep telling me to take Tylenol. I'm not on bed rest or anything. Sorry I can't help, just thought you'd like to know there's someone else out there going through this too :o)
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    I had this one morning after sex and it scared me!  I remembered my prenatal class, drank 2 big glasses of water and laid down for awhile.  It went away after an hour or two.  At my next appt., the OB said that it was likely false labor pains and not to worry if it went away after resting for a couple of hours.  Call if pain came in regular intervals or did not subside.

    I get this and did the same... they last for an hour or two thn subside after drinking some water and changing positions... if you lying down situp or stand and visa versa... if they don't ease up call doc.
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    I had been having the menstrual-like cramping, sudden bm's (or feelings like I had to), nausea and sharp tinges down there.  I was also having BH contractions.  I didn't like the way I was feeling so DH and I went to L&D Friday night to get checked out.  Turns out I have a bladder infection which was causing the stronger BH contractions.  I had my first internal and was told I am "thick and closed" - thank goodness.  They started me on an antibiotic and feel a lot better.  Hope this helps and you feel better soon! 
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