Success after IF

PCOS this true?

I read an article that said women with PCOS can have a low milk supply. Is this true??
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Re: PCOS this true?

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    My supply wasn't the greatest, but I was only pumping because we had major latch/weight loss issues.  So I didn't do it for long, but I know there are lots of PCOS women who have zero trouble at all.  So I don't think it's guaranteed you'll have trouble...just a possibility you should be aware of.
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    I don't know the validity of it, but I have PCOS and thyroidism. I did NOT breastfeed, but I had no milk come in until 6 days after DS was born....and I only "leaked" for one day. My thyroid doctor and OB are convinced that I was not going to be able to BF anyways, or it would have been difficult for me to do so......


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  • Options *can* be true, but you can never know. i actually have an oversupply (which is an issue in itself, but a different one obviously).

    It makes sense, anything hormonal impacts milk supply, and PCOS is largely hormonal. Just know that you may have to work at things a bit more.

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    I have PCOS and I had tonnes of milk.  Like I leaked for the first 8 weeks ALL the time.  My boobs were exploding!

    Here's hoping for decent supply again.

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    I have mild PCOS.  Dd was born via c/s Sunday morning and my milk was in Tuesday morning.  I've had an over supply ever since.  So that wasn't true for me at all.

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
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    It's been true for me. I also don't respond well to milk supply increasing meds like Fenugreek, Reglan, and Domperidone. Reglan did help quite a bit, but nothing like what others have experienced. I pumped 8-12 times per day for 10 months and was never able to get more than about 30 oz per day as a high. As time went on, the amount dropped no matter what I did.
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    I was dx with PCOS but not the common PCOS.  I have not had any supply issues.  I am still BFing DD (10.5 months old now).  I will say that I made BFing a major priority after I delivered DD.  Just recently I heard someone say you will dictate your supply by the first 3 days your DC is alive.  I don't know if that is true, but I do know my life revolved around BFing for the first month, let alone the first 3 days and I didn't have supply issues.  It was not easy in the beginning, but I stuck with it and I am so glad I did.  It has been a great bonding experience for us!  GL to you!!!
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    for me, yes! But it really depends on a ton of factors, prolactin levels and more.... (aND MORE FOR

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    for me, yes, but it really does depend on a lot of factors. PCOS is so different.... I really think that those with traditional PCOS (apple shape, IR, hair loss and excess hair, overweight) tend to be there ones with issues

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    It can be true...yes. I had some milk supply issues. I am a member of another messge board community and there is a woman there with PCOS who does not have enough milk glands to produce enough. Apparently PCOS can cause this.
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    I have PCOS.  I EBF and actually have an oversupply issue, so that didn't hold true for me!
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    right "can" be true -- we're doing great though at 5 weeks pp.  DD is growing and thriving all at the breast but I did have all my resources lined up just in case - talked to OB about Rxs, had phone numbers of LCs, the LLL, etc...
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    I have pcos and had an oversupply problem! I was leaking all the time and was painfully engorged if I didn't pump/nurse every 2.5/3 hours. ?Overnight was very painful! So not true at all for me!
    DX: PCOS * Success with IVF

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    I don't have a great supply, but I don't know if its because I ep or because of the pcos.  I have to make sure I drink enough water, eat oatmeal 2x/day, etc to maintain my supply. 
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    I have PCOS and never had issues. My milk came in 3-4 days pp with PAINFUL engorgement and I BF for about 11 months without a supply issue. I did read beforehand that it 'can' be an issue though. Good Luck!
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    I don't have PCOS but I had a terrible time BF, I talked to my LC, OB and RE's nurse and every one of them confirmed that sometimes women who have been through IF hav trouble BF because of the treatments.

    My RE's nurse said that she noticed it more with the IVF patients.

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