
location of your twins

At my last u/s at 13w both of my little twins were transverse like they were on bunkbeds. How soon do they move side by side if they do move? Any mommies deliver their twins in this position? Of course I'll find out soon but I just so curious now. Any information would be great! TIA

Re: location of your twins

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    and I would add a picture but I just don't know how! Sad

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    My girls were always transverse like that until the mid-20-weeks.  Then Baby A went head down, but Baby B stayed transverse all the way to the end, and thus necessitated a c-section.  
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    My are feet down and have been for a while...I think. ?Hopefully they will eventually go head down. ?As far as a transverse delivery I guess it depends on your doctor. ?Mine said they won't do it, but you are still early on so they will likely move. ?
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    Hello! Mine where transverse also up to week 26. Now they are both legs down at 32 weeks. I am not sure if they are going to move again but i am not worried since i will have a c-section. Yours will most likely move too. So wait and see. Good Luck!
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    Mine were like that at my NT scan at 12 weeks. By my 16 week appt they were side by side, Baby A vertex and B transverse. By the mid 20s Baby A had turned breech and B was still transverse and they stayed that way until the end.
    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
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    At 19 weeks, mine were "bunk bed" style, too. Im curious to see if there has been any movement at my 23 week u/s next week.
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    mine are still bunk bed style.  I am so curiuos to see if they moved at all at my next u/s.  I am leaning towards a C anyway, but, if they are transverse my doc will make me have a C.
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    Mine went moved around until about 22 weeks -- from then on Baby A sat breech and Baby B was either transverse or footling breech.  I wound up having a C-section at 36 weeks because they were breech and footling breech. 

    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
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    Mine were transverse until about 22 wks. Now it has been back and forth between one being breech and one being head down OR both being breech OR both being head down. You still have plenty of time for them to move around.
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    Your babies will move lots between now and delivery! I'm 24 weeks and at the last 4 ultrasounds I've had (one per week), the babies have been in different positions.

    I was just talking to DH this morning about how I WAS feeling high kicks and low kicks, but now I'm only feeling low. They've obviously moved AGAIN ! :o)

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    Mine are both head down and have been since week 28, although Twin A was breech up until 28 weeks and prior to that I don't really remember....
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    My baby B is still transverse and baby A was also but moving towards being heads up on my right side at 21.5 week ultrasound. Baby A I always feel wriggling and shifting. Baby B I feel kicking and punching but she seems to be very comfy laying right under my rib cage.
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    Mine were always side by side--both breech at first, then both vertex, and then A stayed vertex but B kept flipping back and forth during the third tri.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    A friend of mine had twins that stayed transverse.  She had to have a c-section because of it.
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    My docs told me if they were anything but head down they wouldn't do a vaginal delivery.  If they both stay transverse there would be difficulty trying for a vaginal delivery.  But my baby B moved around from transverse to head down...back and forth....until about 28 weeks.  They are still super tiny at 13 weeks, there is plenty of room to move around still.
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    Mine have moved between every visit, and continue to do so now that I am going in weekly.
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