
Twins times two?? Under 2??

Do any of you have two sets of twins? We're TTC and my OB said my chances of another set is 1 in 4 since I hyper-ovulate. Very exciting stuff but would love some insight on how you juggle two sets of twins, esp. if all four are under 2!!

Re: Twins times two?? Under 2??

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    I know we have a few on this board, but I also think 25% is a bit too high.  I know we just had a discussion about this recently.Something about not knowing if you hyperovulate every month, the chance of fertilizing both, etc,etc.

    Anyway, hope you get your BFP soon. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.
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    Wow, you are brave to be TTC with twins so young, especially if you have a higher chance of twins again! (We want one more but we're waiting till the boys are about 3.)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    We definitely want a big family :)  I'm one of four and my husband has 4 brothers (1 bio, 3 step) so we're hoping for 4-6 ourselves, and since he'll be 40 next year....well, we figured we'd better get cracking! Our twins are so much fun and so easy it seems like adding another baby or another set of twins would just double the fun!  Funny how quickly I've forgotten what it was like to EBF two babies and wake up every hour and a half to 2 hours....that part wasn't so fun!
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    My twins are the result of fertility treatments, so I can't help. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your attitude about twins and having a large family. I get a little nervous thinking about how I will manage two and you made me feel better. Sounds like you will handle whatever comes your way! Good luck!
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    I have a set of twin boys and am expecting a set of twin girls in November. however, my older children are 10 years old now.  I also hyper ovulate, so it can happen.  We knew the chances were good but we honestly didn't mean to wait as long as we did to get pregnant again. Good luck!



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    I just also wanted to say best of luck as you TTC! We also pray for a big family one day and I hope that you and your growing family are blessed again very soon!!

    GL and pls. keep us posted!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker,Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I LOVE our big family. I am pregnant with number seven and eight.  They will be our second set of twins.  We have all girls though so we were trying for a boy so we will see. As long as they are healthy thats all that matters though.  Good Luck!!
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    Me!!!  Our boys are 2yrs 9 months and the babies are 9 months old!  I took clomid when I got pregnant with my first set and witht the new babies we weren't even trying, it was a total surprise.  I do think that your doc might be wrong with the statistics because I don't know anyone else with 2 sets of twins and I talk to a lot of people, we get a ton of attention while out and I've never met anyone else with 2 sets - I do sometimes here stories of someone who knows someone who has 2 sets of twins.  It is very challenging at times but I love it!  Adjusting to my first set of TWINS was much more difficult, the new babies just fit right in!  I am a very scheduled and organized person and that makes life MUCH easier.  I also am very aware that I am limited in what I am able to do with 4 young children by myself.  We do go out every day, the park, the mall, little gym for the boys, playdates but their are some things that I'm just not able to do and that kind of stinks.  It's also very hard to find someone who actually understands what it's like to have 4 very small children. 
    image Matthew & Chase Twins!! 12.10.2006 Emma & Justin Twins Again!! 12.2.2008
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