I think you would have the least amount of pronunciation issues with the last one, Ramey, although you may still get people saying "Ram me." What about Raimey/Raemi/Raymi?
If it's French (and a boy's name), I believe it is spelled "Remi". I can't see any other pronounciation besides the one you're going for coming from this spelling.
If it's French (and a boy's name), I believe it is spelled "Remi". I can't see any other pronounciation besides the one you're going for coming from this spelling.
Ree-me or Reh-me would be my first two guesses with that spelling.
Of your choices, Ramey, which is a last name that's been around a long time spelled that way, and I don't think is going to be mispronounced. I'd also consider Remy, which is the original French spelling. This is a family last name on my dad's side. They were Remy, and then they changed it to Ramey, but more than a hundred years ago.
Re: How should I spell the name...
I think I like this the best.?
Baby #3 is on the way! EDD 3/8/15
Ramie-people are familiar with Jamie, so it's easy to avoid mispronuciation. or Raimey--again, it just looks right, no "Rah-mee" or "Ram me".
I would not do Rami--I really don't like ending most names in an "i" if it can be reasonably avoided.
Me too, but I don't like Raimie. I think if I saw Ramey I'd pronounce it the way you want.
Ree-me or Reh-me would be my first two guesses with that spelling.