will you find out again? i've been thinking about this a lot lately. there was no way i could have made it the whole pregnancy without knowing this time...i was way too anxious and felt like i needed to know in order to connect with her more.
but, now that i know i'll have a scheduled c-section next time, i have been thinking more about not finding out for the next one so that something will be a surprise.
anyone else think about this stuff?
Re: if you found out the sex the first time...
I have been thinking about this stuff since Aidan was born!
Anyways, as you know, I'll also have a scheduled c/s next time around, so I have thought about NOT finding out. But in reality, I know I will find out. If it's another boy, I'll want to reminisce about all of Aidan's clothes, pull them out, remember my first little boy as a newborn, etc....And if it's a girl, I have serious shopping to do, LOL! I think my compromise will be not telling people the name since we'll already know the sex and the date of birth.
However, if # 2 is a girl, then I would keep # 3 as a surprise since I would already have 1 of each and have everything I would need, kwim?
When all is said and done, I liked knowing that I was having a little boy. Too much mystery for me to wait the whole 9 months.
Mama to Lewis Elijah-11/18/05
and Evangeline Mae - 12/06/07
and two angels 3/17/07 at 5w and 12/16/08 - 11w partial molar pregnancy with bonus chemo
Best Kind to Have-blog
I too will have a scheduled C. next time around. and I will find the sex out next time around. I am too impatient not to find out.
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
this is the one thing that could throw a wrench into my surprise plan. since i had IUGR i'll have a crapload of monitoring and u/s the next time. hmmm. i really would love the surprise but i am probably too impatient anyway. rats.
Yes, I think about this stuff and probably more than I should. I am almost constantly debating: VBAC or C-section? Find out or no?
DH really wanted the surprise last time but I couldn't stand it. We found out but I told him I would really try to wait the next time. And I intend to honor that promise....to TRY to wait
Actually I really love the idea of being surprised too, but I just don't know if I have that kind of patience. I don't have a lot of patience about most things...and 9 months is a LONG time to wait
You can do it -- I promise you it is so worth the wait! Once I got past the 18-week u/s where I COULD have found out it got a lot easier. I just accepted that we weren't finding out. This time around I've had no problem waiting at all. I keep dreaming about that moment in the delivery room!?
I will probably have a scheduled c-section and we will probably find out again. I don't think I have the patience to wait the entire 9 months. I was having a hard time waiting 19weeks last time. I would love another little boy!
We're in the same boat as far as that the next baby will be a scheduled c-section. We found out that A was a boy at 17 weeks when we got our amnio results. Next time around, we will be having an amnio again and I can't image not finding out the baby's gender. It will be a surprise, we'll just be getting the surprise earlier than at delivery. I think knowing with A helped us to get excited and daydream about him. Plus, for the second baby, it will help us figure out what we can reuse and what we would need to buy new.
I do not want to find out this time!
I really want a girl- and would hate to feel disappointed. Even though I will be happy just to have another baby After all the pushing- I will be happy no matter what.