
This is my last baby - sadness.

I can't believe I feel this way. When Jillie was an infant I couldn't WAIT for her to be two. Granted, she was a very serious and intense infant.

Adam is so happy most of the time that I am honestly sad as he gets older now. When he starts sitting up, I'm just going to want to freeze time.

I know this isn't a new feeling, I'm just sort of surprised by this, given my personality. Is it postpartum hormones? He is 14w today.


Re: This is my last baby - sadness.

  • Same here.

    DD is 8.5 months old, doing everything so much faster than her brother did, and I am sad about it. She's cruising the furniture already, for crying out loud.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • You are not alone! I know  we are done with the 2 girls we have, and the youngest is 18 mos. Even though in my conscious, sane mind I know I don't want any more babies, I am finding it really hard to put away the baby clothes for good, donate and/or sell the swing, little baby toys, all of that. I can barely look at pictures of little babies in magazines! I just have to get over it, I guess. We can't afford (and my sanity truly can't handle) a third.
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  • I get the same way with DS.  It's like with DD, we always felt like she was such a big girl as each month went by and were always quizzing her on the things she knew and could do.  With DS, I just feel like he is closing in on one and still such a baby.  We are discovering every day that we don't give him enough credit for all that he knows how to do and never ever ask him to show us all he knows.  Maybe we're in denial!  But, I know it is because mentally, we are trying to hold on to some baby-ness too, because he is the last.
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