
Book reqs?

I know this has been asked before - but does anyone have any good book reqs on getting your babies to sleep better/longer?  Are there any specificially geared toward multiples out there?

My girls were doing so well (sleeping 10-4) until their shots they are practically back on every 3 hours through the night and take forever to go down.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Re: Book reqs?

  • we follow baby wise.  There is a chapter about multiples in it- but i really think that chapter is useless - it really doesn't tell you much about doing BW with twins - just tells you about having twins and asking for help, etc... but the rest of the book and principles are easy to follow with twins. baby Wise was actually the top rated sleep training book in the "Twin Set" book where they polled a ton of MoMs.

    Griffin STTN at 8w with baby wise... and the twins are close to it- last night they slept from 10:30 until 5am!

    it's similar to the EASY method- eat/awake/sleep/you time - rotating every 3 hours in the cycle during the day.

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