Orange County Babies


so... like every American company... my DH's husbands company is going through some major changes... some European company bought out half of DH's territory so they are down sizing big time.... sucks!

DH is VP of Sales... and thankfully corporate office wants him to come work for the parent company, IF they close down the office... only thing is they are in DETROIT!!!!! or IDAHO!!!!

DH is not too excited about the offer... as am I.... well... till DH could find another job, IF he has to that is... thankfully he still has a job.... we are trying to tickle the idea of possibly moving????

has anyone lived in Detroit or anywhere in Idaho before????

I know it's still little early to be worrying about it but just in case I would like to be mentally prepared....

Re: moving????

  • Wow Morla, thats major!  Good luck with everything.  I dont have much info on Detriot, though its I hear some parts of sketchy.  The housing market is really bad there because of the major motor companies closing down, so you can buy really cheap real estate, but in any depressed economic area, you will have major inner city issues.

    As for Idaho, my inlaws moved there after Y2K.  They own a bed and breakfast in a teeny tiny town close to the border of WA and Idaho.  Its nice, but very Mayberry!  There isnt even a street light in this town.  My husband said that the major cities are pretty cool and supposedly Boise is up and coming.  I dont know about that... probably not much like Orange County, but a little faster pace and has a mall.  My inlaws town has no mall, just one grocery store.  I think I would die if I had to be there longer then a week at a time.  Stay away from the northern part of Idaho though.  Apparently there is a big grouping of KKK (though they don't call themselves that anymore) but whatever, they all live up that way.  Its pretty bad, but as long as you stay in the bigger cities, it should be okay.

    Good luck.  Hopefully it all works out for your husband.  My husband quit his job and started his own law practice right before his old firm started having troubles paying bills.  I crapped my pants, but in the long run it was the best thing for our family.  So however it turns out, everything happens for a reason!

    phew... that was long!

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  • My husband loves Idaho he is begging me to move there and he has been begging me for the past 3 years.  So about 2 years ago we drove up there.  We loved it its beautiful.  We looked in Meridian.  So family orienented and the homes are gorgeous.  Each neighborhood had their own parks, pools and was so well kept up.  Obviously we did not go we went through some fertility issues and now have twin girls so having family by is important right now until the girls are older but I have a feeling at some point we will be there and I am hoping to take some family members with me too.
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  • Whoa...well a friend just moved to Detroit for her husband's residency and let's just say Idaho would be MUCH better. Good luck with everything!
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  • Kimarino13 lived in Idaho for a few years & I believe APK is from Detroit. If it becomes a reality, you may want to talk to either one of those ladies.
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  • I lived in Sun Valley, Idaho for about 3 years.  Gorgeous, gorgeous town, but it seems unlikely that a company would relocate there because it's a pretty expensive resort town.  But if they do, let me know and I will help you with whatever I can.  :)

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • Thanks ladies!!! Well DH told me today that meeting went well and he told his boss that he is NOT moving to either of those places... thank goodness for DS... he told them since all our families are here and we want to be near our family for DS...

    well at least DH's job is Sales so he does NOT have to be at corporate office all the time... just gonna be little bit more travels for him I guess, IF all these changes do happen... 

    Thank you!!!

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