Two Under 2

Moms of Toddlers and an Infant

Hi Ladies, Just wanted some advice and suggestions. I have a 2 year old and a newborn infant. I am having a difficult time splitting my time with my 2 year old since I have to basically spend most of my time bf my newborn. How do you manage to spend sometime with your toddler? Also, when I am trying to put my infant for a nap my 2 year always seems to act up during that time. Basically, I need all the advice and help I could get managing a very active 2 year old and a demanding infant. Thanks Ladies....
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Re: Moms of Toddlers and an Infant

  • While the LO is sleeping, is my "special" time with the girls. They know this. I set them up with something (an episode, a snack, an activity) while I put DS to nap/sleep, and if they're good, they get "mommy special time" where we do something together.

    I never have my DS anywhere near the girls when he's sleeping - the girls are just TOO LOUD and he'll never sleep.

    Your toddler's needs come first because he is the one that will remember you not taking care of him or ignoring him. Letting the baby cry to tend to your older child is the advice I was given and the advice I follow.

    Hang in there - you will find your groove! It takes a while, but it does all work out.

    Oh, and as for the BFing - I'm BFing my 3rd, so when I'm nursing is when I read stories to my girls. I sit on the floor of their playroom, and while DS  nurses, we read together.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • My baby wakes up at 6:30, and usually takes a nap at 8:30...I spend time with my DS while DD is napping. We have two floors, so I leave him to play downstairs (I can hear him) while I put her to sleep. She usually wakes around 10:30 and then goes back for a nap while he is eating lunch. After lunch I spend time reading to him before his nap...I spend alone time DD during DS's nap. Bath time is also a great time for alone time with DS. My husband plays with DD at that time.

    I too am BFing, so I read books to both kids while helps my DS to not feel left out. It does take a while to get a groove!

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