It?s weekly ?check in? time! You can post here to let us know what?s going on in your life this week that you?d like to share with the TTCAL girls. Are you testing? Anything big coming up at work? Is it FWP week for you? Doctors appointments? Big plans with DH? Please share what your big plans are for the week! This way we can all be up to date with everyone?s ?happenings.? Have a great week!
Re: **Weekly Check In for TTCAL Girls!**
I'm in the lovely 2ww now, 4dpo...You all know how I feel about the 2ww...drives me crazy!!! Along the lines of ttc, I have my "trying 6months" appointment a week from today so I'm just mentally make a list in my head of how I want to approach things, what I want to say, etc.
Beyond that, I am back to class everyday for the next week. But good news: after this week, I will be finished with my Masters +30. Woo hoo!!!
DH and I have plans for sushi and Blizzards tomorrow and then this weekend we are going boating again. Should be a fun weekend!
Hey there Cara! Yay for O!
I may or may not have O'ed/about to O per my doc appt today. Vacay was awesome. Sucks to be back. Other than that. Same 'ol.
Waiting to o--just got my smiley face on my OPK this morning but I'm already feeling pinching o pains so I will o today or tomorrow. Waiting for DH to get his a*s home from work so I can make use of this EWCM.
Oh, and trying to recover from my 30th birthday this weekend. Holy crap, how am I 30?
a couple days into my 1st 2WW in along time! OH BOY~ days are going to crawl! Aug 7th or so will be the day of truth. Not TOO optimistic but you never know.
Not too much going on ~ hoping to start painting in our house this week.
Congrats on the Masters Cara!!
CD 1 is today. Which sucks, but I am totally pumped that we can FINALLLLLLLY try again! I feel confident. Like this is really it. We are palnning and it feels good : ) I already called some Dr?s
yay for progress!
Wow, very exciting! Good Luck!!!
I'm also in the 2ww but I don't know exactly what day I O'd. I have a doctor's appt on Aug 5th so if AF hasn't come before then, I'll have them do a test.
No big plans for me, just enjoying the last few weeks of my summer break!
CD 8. I am seeing my OB probably for progesterone suppositories next week-- in a new development, it tested below the ideal 10.
Wait wait wait. Brood brood brood. Wait wait wait.
I'm at CD3. Made the doctor's appointment for my "relaxing and exercise didn't work", but it isn't until September 4th. I'm really getting scared that for some reason we can't get pregnant again. Next week will be 10 months since my m/c and I'm still not KU! Even if the doc gets me help, I won't see results until my end of September cycle! DH asked me today when I would want to give up trying. He's tired of seeing me so emotionally invested in something then crashing when my period arrives. He doesn't want anymore kids and says that maybe God doesn't want us to have anymore. That was not what I needed to hear. But I will need to set a date of some sorts for when I do give up trying, give up having three kids, give up all my baby stuff, and just be satisfied with our family of 4.
Summer 2011
~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~
AF is due to start tomorrow, so you can imagine how I'm feeling about that!
The new semester for my Master's course starts today, so yaaaay for studying again!
And uh...hmm. That's it, I guess? Oh wait, we're doing some minor home improvements (really, really minor) to the garden this week. That's it!
I am 7dpo and going to be testing later this week or the weekend. Haven't really decided... of course I'm anxious, but at the same time I'd like to keep wondering so more time passes of my pregnancy w/o me 100% knowing... Weird thinking I know, but if I get a BFP I'm going to be nervous until I pass the 7 week mark and then again 12 weeks.
Work..nothing different in the schedule.. I'm already looking forward to the weekend! Hopefully it isn't rainy so I can take DH on a day date.
Natural miscarriage - April 2009 ~ We love you, 'Blueberry'
Lydia, born July 12, 2010
Labor buddy to Kelly0615
Starting IUI process #3. Today was my first day of Femara and boy do I have one hell of a headache!
Still waiting to hear if I got a job from last week's interview.
10/08 Clomid Cycle #1 = m/c 11/7/08 (6 weeks)
03/09 Clomid Cycle #2 = BFN
3 rounds of Femara + Ovidrel + IUI =BFN
10/18/09 2nd Break Cycle (post HSG) before IVF #1 = BFP!
? The world thought I had it all, but I was waiting for you. ?
Labor Buddy to Megjr8
I just started cycle #2 TTCAL. AF is still a b!tch and I hope this is the last time I see her for a while!
I was cleared to graduate from my master's program today! I'm so excited for graduation in 2 weeks!
I guess I belong back here. We'll be TTA for at least 1 month, maybe m/c follow-up appointment with my Dr. is next Tues Aug. 4th. I don't know how long she's going to want us to wait. I hope she doesn't want me to wait for AF to arrive on her own because I will go MONTHS without AF....hopefully I can use Prometrium like I was doing before and with this past bfp. I'm also hoping she'll let us use the Clomid and Novarel that she prescribed us the week before our bfp...why does my body decide to do what it's supposed to right after being threatened with drugs?? Now I'm afraid she's going to make us wait and try the natural way for awhile because apparently it's possible for us. Booo. I'm hoping my PCOS will convince her otherwise...she's a great Dr, and I know she'll listen to me and genuinely wants to help us, I'm just afraid we'll have to play by the rules for a few months. :-( I'm also going to see about getting RPL testing done. My insurance considers "2 or more consecutive spontaneous m/c" to be RPL, so there are a bunch of tests they would cover for me.
Okay, I'm done hogging this thread...update over!
BFP #2 - 6/24/09-mc 7/25/09 @8wks
6/09 Dx w/PCOS--Metformin & Progesterone
8/09 Dx w/Compound Hetero MTHFR--Neevo, Metanx & BA
BFP #3 - 1/11/10 - DD1 born 9/16/10 @39w4d, 8lbs 14oz & 20in.
Heparin from BFP to 34wks.
BFP #4 - 10/4/11 - DD2 born 6/2/12 @38w1d, 8lbs 11oz & 21in.
Same med protocol as last time, but heparin continued until delivery.
BFP #5 - 3/30/14, EDC 12/10/14!!
Beta #1-76 (12dpo), Beta #2-238 (14dpo)
i've had a screwy cycle - don't know if I o'd or not . . yet? maybe? so maybe in 2ww. just don't know. but we're still trying.
this weekend we leave for my parent's summer home - they'll be away - I'm going to stay for the week (with just one day of work -- the place is about 1.5 hours away) -- and dh will be there half the week. so excited for relaxation and NOTHING!
I'm in the 2WW, 3DPO today, although DH was working a ton last week, so we didn't FWP a lot, so I think this month would be a LONG shot.
DH and FIL are heading to Baltimore for the Red Sox/Orioles game on Sunday, and I think I'm going to head to the outlets and get me a new Coach bag.