TTC is an exciting and anxious process for everyone. I can honestly say the ttw and waiting to o feels the same as it did with #1. I love the parenting board- they are very nice and give great advice for my toddler but it helps to post with people going through the same thing at the same time as you- hence the reason for message boards. It sucks if it takes a few months- I know how long those months can be... Why should it matter if someone is ttc # 2,3,or even 4? This isn't the tttc board
Re: why are people with kids kless welcome on this board?
Not sure what gave you that idea - everyone that is ttc is welcome to post here.
Edit: I see the post that probably gave you this indication. The issue in the post below is a little thing called "tact".
She is reffering to the post about the woman working on #3 that is complaining about being in the 2ww.
This. She'd apparently decided to make a case out of it.
people with kids aren't less welcome.
there are actually quite a few girls that are TTC #2 or more, but MOST of this board is TTC their first, so it's not cool to complain about 2WWs being harder this time around when you have already been blessed with having children. that is my opinion at least.
it's just about knowing your audience (as Monkey said earlier)
I think everyone is welcome but that you should be aware of the other members of the board and what they're going through.
For instance, plenty of GP Mamas are on here but we've established that certain posts are off limits, like you will never see a GP Mama start a post bitching about pregnancy symptoms.
Like Monkey is knowing your audience. I know that you are not trying to rub your kids in anyones face but most ladies on here are still trying for their first. So when someone new comes out and just talks about their 2 kids already, most would take it as a slap in the face.
The 2WW is hard for anyone but maybe an intro or something would have softened it a bit?
IMHO you are always super
OH FFS. Interpret it as you will, but you came here complaining about the 2ww for #3 when some ladies have been trying forever just to have #1 and you don't get why that might upset some people? Have you ever been here before? You could have just referred to being in the 2ww without rubbing it in that you're on #3, and no one would have said a damn thing.
Stop being dramatic, and know your audience before you spew your whining bs.
Like previous posters have said it is about knowing your audience. We are mostly a group of women trying to conceive our first or having our first. It was the way it was presented that bothered me.
I should add that I don't have a problem with what number child you are ttc, it's just that she was complaining about #3 which, duh, stings to us that have been trying for a long time for #1. I think you get it.
this exactly, well said Jessie.
It sucks even more if it takes a few years.
I'm usually a day time lurker so I won't say I speak for the board but...our situations aren't the same. While it may be hard for someone to wait for #2 or #3 at least those people know that they HAVE children. Here I am waiting month after month not even sure I'll be able to have one. That's a big difference to me.
And I still think all are welcome, they just shouldn't run in and smack us in the face like that.
seriously, there is an edit button.
please fix the kless, i feel dumber everytime i see it!
NO shiit. Thanks for repeating yourself.
Did you read any of the responses to your OP?
Let me reiterate what countless pp have tried to emphasize:
The End.
This was a presumptuous, bltchy, thing to say that has officially demoted you to a cvntlickingtrollsniffer in my eyes. All you had to do was step back and spend a little time lurking to see why peoples' feathers were ruffled. Instead, you assumed you were joining a board full of girls in the middle of their 2nd or 3rd cycle and you are sorely mistaken. Kindly GTFO.
LOL...yes this.
You I like.
I have been thinking that forever.
Good call!
Not just you. I agree. Everytime I see the word mommy in a sn I cringe.
This statement makes me want to punch someone. Really?!?! You have no idea what sucks. Getting stuck with needles over and over not knowing if you are even able to get pg sucks, spending a bijillion dollars on fertility treatments sucks, charting every stinking day sucks, getting AF over and over and over again sucks, IF GETTING PG TOOK A FEW MONTHS IT WOULD NOT SUCK, NO THAT WOULD ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't agree more!
lol, nice monkey
Um, yes. As I sit on yet another CD 1, this.
I know there are women here that are at all different points in their TTC journey. But this poll suggests that most are in their first year:
Blah. I hate whiners, and it took me reading this whole post to figure out what "kids kless" was supposed to me.
Go away.
LOL - favorite!