1st Trimester

February First Timers getting to know each other...

Hi girls! Just wanted to keep the conversation going from the other night for all of us first time moms due in February. So todays question...

What are your plans for the 4th? And will you be spending it with family and friends who know you're expecting or will you have to keep from spilling the beans??

Re: February First Timers getting to know each other...

  • H and I are headed to my sisters house for a BBQ with family, including my parents. We haven't told anyone except a few very close friends for support because of our history. So no one there will know and I am very worried that my m/s (or all day sickness) is going to be hard to hide! I haven't even made it to the store today to get the stuff I need to bring tomorrow because I'm so sick. How do you hide running to the bathroom to puke every hour? Yikes!
  • hi girls. I haven't been posting very regularly, but Im a Feb 1st timer too. I'm in mexico for the next 6 weeks (been here for 4), so we wont realy be doing anything big for the 4th. We're probably going to have a party w/ some of the other americans in town but no fire works. All of our friends down here know I'm PG, so no big surprises there. I have not told many friends at home yet but we wanted to tell hem in person when we get back to california.

    K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

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  • Ohh, I missed the getting to know you.  But, I'll join in this part.  It's suppose to rain here tomorrow (boooo) but we're going to a Pig Roast at one of my co-workers, then we're headed to the in-laws to see that side of the family and then to my parents for fireworks. The town they live in does them about 3 houses away from their house.

     My parents and in-laws know, nobody else does, so we'll have to keep quiet.  After my first doctors appointment, we'll start spilling the beans to everybody.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Hi Ladies,

     I didn't get to reply the other day, my iPhone wouldn't let me post! I'm Bridget, from DC and 27 years old. This is our first and I am due on February 12!

      This weekend we are taking it easy... Neighborhood BBQ today/tonight and going out to a friends to see their new baby and BBQ on the 4th.

    We have told a couple of people so far and our parents... People keep wondering why I am not drinking... that is what is making it hard to hide it (not that I am even a big drinker... 1-2 glasses of wine or drinks)

     I am so excited for all of us during this time! Have a good holiday weekend everyone!

    imageimage BabyName Ticker
  • I didn't reply the other day either, but I'm Erin from St. Paul, MN and I'm 27.  Due on Feb 3rd with our first!

    We're having a pretty low key weekend - having 3 friends over for dinner tonight, so I'm making potato salad and a strawberry salad for that.  We're going to a friends house tomorrow for a bbq.

    We have told most of our good friends and families so the people we will be with know already!

  • We are having a bbq with my family who already knows. It'll be nice not to have to worry about spilling the beans to anyone.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!



  • I missed the other day.  Hi ladies, we're due 2/6.  This weekend we plan to go to a cookout at my uncle's...and we're going to tell my grandparents.  I'm nervous because I hope they can keep it a secret from the rest of the family so that I don't get outed on FB by my cousins, but mostly I'm very excited!
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DH and I both have to work tomorrow :(

     We will be celebrating a friend's birthday tomorrow night as well. 

    DS 02.08.2012 DD 03.06.2012 Expecting #3! BabyFruit Ticker
  • We're really not planning anything. The last few months have been way too hectic and crazy. We just moved to MN from CA, and both sides of the family live elsewhere.... plus... they all helped out with the move and frankly, we want some time alone!!! Everybody knows that we're expecting, plus I'm sure they'll start trickling back here for visits.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We're here at my ILs in Las Vegas and I'm trying to be all nice and sweet but they want us to go and "hang out" at their house.  They're chain smokers and their whole house smells like smoke.  Even walking in through their garage you're hit with a wall of smoke.  They're so proud they've cleaned and aired out everything for me but they don't understand that it's not enough.  I don't want to touch the couch, let alone sit on it.  They just don't get it and I'm afraid I'm hurting their feelings.  When you smoke, I just don't think you get it.
  • Hi ladies - I didn't post the other day either. I'm 34 and this is my first baby. I'm due February 7th. We are going to friends for a BBQ tomorrow and then headed to the mountains on Sunday for the week. Yea!

     Have a great 4th!

  • I didn't post the other day either. I'm from Katy, TX (near Houston) and I'm 32 expecting our first.

    My DH and I are going to the lake with some friends tomorrow evening.  One of them just had a baby a month ago, so during the hot part we will be inside I'm sure.  On Sunday we are going to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday (it's today).  Our closest friends and family know.


    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • I am not doing to much tomorrow, just hanging at home with my two furry babies while DH is at work.

    I have a family get togther on Sunday and pretty much my whole family knows so I won't have to hide anything. Which is great since I feel so bad right now.

    Happy 4'th!!!!

  • Hi Ladie, I am Marissa and I live outside the Phili area :) I didnt see the post the other day, but I wanted to say hello!!!!!!!  :)

    My mom and little sister are out visiting from california so we will just be grilling some steaks and going to watch fireworks.. pretty low key.. we are giong to the beach for week on monday! 

  • awwwwwwww. we don't count if we're second timers huh?
  • Hey y'all.

    Well, my hubby and I are expecting our first at the end of Feb.  We have been trying for almost 4 years....and miscarried in Dec. of last year.  So, we are THRILLED and petrified.  Just celebrating ever day we make it through.  I am 30, hubby's 32 and we're living in Illinois...rural Illinois that is.

    After we MC in December (no one knew we were pregnant), we discovered that our family was really disappointed in not being able to be there for us through the loss.  So although I am nervous about telling....I don't want to go through that alone again.  So we told our families at 6 weeks.  The big question is the rest of our family.  We happen to be vacationing with family in OH, and we are deciding to tell them.  We figure that we don't see them often, and they will hear anyway if this doesn't work out.....so why not celebrate together?  We're actually breaking the news tomorrow!  I am so nervous and so excited.  

    I was supposed to have gotten results from a progesterone check today, but the Dr.'s office was closed for the holiday.  Praying the numbers go up - and then we have our first US on the 13th.  

    Enjoy your holidays all - whether your having a private or a public celebration!

  • DH and I are going with my sister and bil to the local fair and watch fireworks at night. We've told people and it was such a relief. We told our parents and siblings right away. Then once we heard the heartbeat started telling others.

    TTC #2 July 2014

    Me: 35 DH: 36

    FF Chart

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    DD1 Feb 2010

  • We celebrated yesterday by going to our local minor league baseball game (Durham Bulls!!). They have fireworks every Friday night in the summer so yesterday was no exception. Also, they don't have a home game on the 4th so they pumped it up last night. We went with some of my friends (who know already) and a friend of my DH who found out recently and told his wife (also there) last night. Other friends of his were there as well but we don't know them so we don't care if they know or not.?

    We're celebrating today by staying home together since DH normally works on Saturdays so this is a rare weekend together. We are also going to Madison, WI to see some old college friends this coming week so our vacation will continue!!?

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