2nd Trimester

advice: DH is sick

so I just got home from out of town today...Dh was sick all day yesterday with a fever of 102, so he asked me to stay at my parents today so I dont get it....fever went down for a bit today and now he just called and its back to 100.....should I just suck it up and go home?

PS. called DR yesterday and they were very rude and wouldnt call back after 2 times calling within a 4hr period

Re: advice: DH is sick

  • Aw hun I'm sorry to hear that DH is still sick!  Do you know what he has?  I would go home, just keep your distance.  I would make him sleep in another room (lol, mean I know) and be careful not to get too close.  You should be fine.  Just think, when LO is here what will you do when you or DH are sick then?  I'm sure everything will be fine as long as you are overly cautious.  Hope he feels better soon!

    Sorry to hear about the biatches at your doctors office!  That would really piss me off! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • If it's practical to stay at your parents' I would stay there.  I was sick around 13 weeks and it was awful...horrible...I can't even describe...because you can't take anything.  You just have to suffer.  In the end, you may get sick any way just from touching things he's touched while sick, but I'd reduce the risk as much as possible.
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  • Can I first say you look lovely and your dress is wonderful? Now to your question. Has your DH been to the doctor yet? They usually say once you start on antibiotics, that it takes 24 hours until you are not considered contagious anymore.... That is the "word" that I've heard. I don't know if I would have stayed somewhere else if my DH was sick, but i guess its up to you?
  • imageimaPrincess:

    Aw hun I'm sorry to hear that DH is still sick!  Do you know what he has?  I would go home, just keep your distance.  I would make him sleep in another room (lol, mean I know) and be careful not to get too close.  You should be fine.  Just think, when LO is here what will you do when you or DH are sick then?  I'm sure everything will be fine as long as you are overly cautious.  Hope he feels better soon!

    Sorry to hear about the biatches at your doctors office!  That would really piss me off! 

    see I want to go home too...my dad and sister and DH keep telling me its a bad idea....but DH is so stubborn, I am worried about him Sad

  • DH was really sick about 2 months ago, not sure what it was, but he had it 2 weeks before the swine flu outbreak and afterwards we thought it may have been that. Anyway, he was nervous about me getting sick so he slept in another room and wouldn't get too close to me, no hugging, kissing, etc. I never got sick, so you should be fine to go home. most viruses are not airborne and are usually spread through droplet.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • DH has not been to the DR yet because they were totally rude to me on the phone (my PCP) saying they werent taking new patients....all I wanted was some advice on if they thought he should see them or go to the ER since he was around his grandmother who has bronchitis and his nephew who just got over tonsilitis this past weekend
  • DH was sick a little while back and he stayed on the couch and I stayed away from him. We have a guest bedroom, but he was more comfortable in the living room. I missed him at night, but was thankful not to get sick!

    Can you go home and keep your distance?

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • thanks for the suggestions ladies!  I think I will just spend tonite here at my parents and def go home after work & my massage Angel tomorrow...I miss him
  • imagemrskisses:
    DH has not been to the DR yet because they were totally rude to me on the phone (my PCP) saying they werent taking new patients....all I wanted was some advice on if they thought he should see them or go to the ER since he was around his grandmother who has bronchitis and his nephew who just got over tonsilitis this past weekend


    Biotchy doctors office...grrr...

    He wants you and the baby to be healthy. If you have a healthy place to be than that might be best. It would be less stress on him, too if he doesn't feel responsible for getting you sick. 

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