2nd Trimester

My cousin left her baby in the car

What a freaking idiot... Fortunately, the baby is fine because the A/C was on and my cousin realized that she closed the locked door when she got out to get the mail at the end of her driveway. She had to run to the neighbor's house 1/4 mile away to call 911 about the situation. However, my cousin has locked herself out of her car so many times over the past year that her car insurance company even dropped her emergency road-side service policy because they had to call a locksmith SEVEN times the past year to unlock her car. Shall I even mention how many times she has lost her cell phone over the past 12 months??

I'm just glad the baby is OK. Oh, and my cousin thought this was hilarious and even e-mailed pictures of the situation (fire truck, locksmith truck and all) to everyone in her e-mail address book. I just hope she keeps track of the baby better than she does with her cell phone and car keys...

Re: My cousin left her baby in the car

  • I vote you all make her a nice necklace with a key on it. a necklace she can't take off, and yes, she has to bend down next to the car to open the door!!
  • and of course, I'm happy the baby is ok!
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  • mooetamooeta member
    hmmm she does it a couple more times social services might be engaged to check her fitness as a mother.  This is not funny in the least.  Who leaves a child in a running vehicle unattended #1, and #2 she needs to carry a cell phone or spare key with her.  DUMBASS
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  • I have a friend who sounds just like your cousin. Her son has made it to the ripe age of 7 years old and so hopefully your cousin will be able to keep it together for the baby.

    BTW, my DH is a firefighter and he told me that when they have a baby locked in a car (especially if the car is off) that all they do is arrive, break a window (away from baby) and unlock the car. The most important thing is getting to the baby as fast as possible. They have had people get mad at them for breaking their car windows. Personally, I would break my own window if I could and get to my baby fast enough.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • She's not the first person to make this mistake and she won't be the last.  Maybe you should direct your flames directly to her face.  I don't see how talking smack about her with internet strangers is doing to let her know the seriousness of the matter.
  • What about a hide-a-key for her car?

  • I did this when I was a kid, about 10. My dad had run into the store, and he was taking a while so I got out of the car and was very careful to lock it... with the car running and my baby sister inside! Luckily it wasn't summer and everyone was okay.
    "For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Someone should lock her in a car and not let her out. ?See if she thinks its funny then. ?
    Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
    DH: 31, no issues
    4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
    7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
    8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
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  • imageFLVintageBride:
    She's not the first person to make this mistake and she won't be the last.  Maybe you should direct your flames directly to her face.  I don't see how talking smack about her with internet strangers is doing to let her know the seriousness of the matter.

    Yes, I know that writing about this isn't the solution, but I already have spoken to her about this several times - well before she did it (but after she had locked herself out of her car previously). And the need for her to have a spare key somewhere hidden at her house in the garden (or wherever) and a slim-line valet key behind the rear license plate. And the need to have a spare key at the neighbor's house, etc.  

  • imageBlairWaldorf:

    What about a hide-a-key for her car?

    My thoughts exactly.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I think this sort of thing happens more often that what people are willing to admit.  I don't think it's funny....and I DO NOT think she's a dumbass. 
  • Apparently this happens a lot -- i had locked myself out of my car last summer and called a company to come out. I had to wait a while becuase they had 3 emergency calls that day of people locking their kid/baby in the car while hot out.  The guy who was helping me said that they used to get at the least 1-2 calls a month about someone who locked their keys in the car with their baby!
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  • has she had psychological testing? perhaps she has a mild form of bipolar disease
  • The worst part of this story isn't that she locked herself out, I know exactly how crazy it is to juggle a purse, keys, kid, stroller, groceries, etc, and that is always one of my biggest fears.  No, to me the absolute worst part of this story is she left her baby in a running car to go get help.  I would have broken a window.  No way in hell I would have left my kid in a running car.  Anyone could have driven off with her child...a car-jacker wouldn't think twice about breaking into your car especially if it's running with the keys inside.  We heard a talk from a police officer at a mommy group and they told us that kids in cars are not a deterrent at all, and in fact some criminals hope to steal kids along with the car so they can ransom them for money, and do all sorts of other horrible things.  I won't ever ever ever ever leave my child in a car to get help.  If there's someone within shouting distance great, otherwise, I'm breaking a window. 
  • I think she should invest in a car that has On-Star!!!
  • I'm glad the baby is okay. I can see how this could happen in a moment of absentmindedness. To the people flaming her...it's not like she ran to the grocery store with the baby in the car...she hopped of out the car at the end of her driveway. I do agree with the PP that I wouldn't have left the baby alone to run to the neighbor's house a 1/4 of  mile away...I would've broken the window myself. Also, if she's this absentminded, she should have at least one spare key in the house; it would've helped a lot in this situation.
  • What the heck does locking your keys in the car have to do with being bipolar?
  • OMG, i'm so glad the baby is alright. I had a neighbor once that did the same thing except the car shifted gears and reversed into my yard, luckily a small tree stopped the car and my poor neighbor found her spare. The baby was still asleep in the car seat when she unlocked the door.
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